ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

I want to play a game. Based on the amount of the sunlight, guess what time of day it is…🤡🫣

I hate this time of year. It’s been really wet and miserable so far. Looking forward for the worst…😂

@cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

@vazhnov Yes, clearly. But the point was it's been gloomy and rainy through the entire day and it's taking heavy toll on my mental well-being.

You start with little to no daylight, day ends dark as well. That's no fun at all...

cowboyminer, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower

I'm going to say "morning" ... but there's no way to be sure! Gloomy!

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! What a shit of a weather!💀 1°C and it’s automatically and … My hands are painfully numb, as my “winter” gloves were like a soaking wet sponge…😳 British gloves reviews should be a part of ’s…🥹

@cycling @rower


paavi, avatar

@ssamulczyk Well, then you've at least got dry change for your hands. We're all just human, aren't we? 🙂 @cycling @rower

!deleted197 avatar

@paavi Nah, It started hurting late enough I was in pain but almost home. Also, did I mention I forgot I’ve had those gloves with me?🤣 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! I guess I’m finally getting used to the bad weather. The transition is always painful, but it was surprisingly ok in 2°C and strong wind… - pure love!❤️

@cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

@thorcik It’s complicated! Usually, when it’s cold in Poznan it’s also dry and I can live with that. The worst thing is temperatures slightly above 0°C because then it very often gets windy and wet, a combination I truly hate…

Surprisingly, I’ve been recently cycling in rain and it was ok. The clothes really can make the difference…

@cycling @rower

thorcik, avatar

@ssamulczyk yeah, rain and headwind, my favourite combo.
My only mistake today was leaving my gloves outside when I made a short stop to pop into a shop for a few minutes.
@cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! Yesterday I’ve got a new long bibs, jacket and merino balaclava from . I was sceptical about the jacket but I was wrong! It’s toasty as hell, I’m very happy with it!😂

@cycling @rower


sobiewan, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower is the decathlon winter jacket only available in Europe? I do t see one on the Canadian website.

!deleted197 avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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!deleted197 avatar

@mlabowicz I carry it in a frame bag. You put that in a bottle cage it’s going to get scratched like mad shit…🤷🏻‍♂️

I carry it because it keeps beverage hot for very long, not because it’s for cycling.

Keep in mind only screw on solid lids keep it hot and water tight. Drinkable lids will leak.

@cycling @rower

mlabowicz, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower good tips, looks I need to add a frame bag to my setup. It would be good to have some more storage for longer rides

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Long overdue footage. I was so knackered after cycling in -2°C, I’ve been recovering for 2 days. Fortunately, I feel a little better now!

@cycling @rower


vfranken, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower how long was your ride? It is still pleasent weather for long bike rides here in the Netherlands with 9°C at daytime.

!deleted197 avatar

@vfranken I’ve been out with a friend for at least 3 hours… But we sometimes do breaks to chat and drink some tea…🙈 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
Jay23Jay, avatar

@ssamulczyk thanks, decathlon sportswear is like lidl sportwear, sometimes you find really good and lasting basic pieces, you only have to look and wait for them.

!deleted197 avatar

@Jay23Jay I have a few pieces from them and I was always happy. I really don’t like their cycling shoes.

Never owned a thing from Lidl, though. I’ve seen some nice things sold in there in the UK, but cycling is only mildly popular in Poland, so they rarely bother.

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
elieuw, avatar

@ssamulczyk kids these days....tsk tsk tsk 😛

!deleted197 avatar

@elieuw Mine are still young (8, 5, 1) and unspoiled by modern "technology". They don't know what a shithole internet is and they actually prefer and enjoy outdoors.

We will try to avoid screens as long as possible, while building awareness how useful but also dangerous it might be.

For the time being they enjoy climbing, ice skating, cycling, Lego and playgrounds. In a few years the oldest one will destroy me on a bicycle (he can already maintain ~20km/h), the middle on is building up!😅

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Yesterday was a surprising day… I was ready to go out with little Frank, but only then I’ve noticed a flat tire on my . It simply was faster to change shoes than fix the flat… I didn’t even have time to dust the bike off…🤡😂

@cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

I've also fixed the flat, so the bike is ready for the evening ride we've planned with my trusted night cycling friend/companion. It's gonna be fabulous, as always!😍

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! 2°C and so thick it instantly condensed on everything. I could have used some wipers on my shades… No wind, though, so I was having so much fun!🥰🫣

@cycling @rower


sbaldazzi, avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

from the shithole!😂 Surprisingly, I’ve managed to squeeze myself into a weather window with almost no precipitation…🙈😁 I’ve taught well, they’re not afraid to get wet!💪🏻

@cycling @rower


metalbiker, avatar

@ssamulczyk are you using a phone or an action cam? 🙂 nice videos!

!deleted197 avatar

@metalbiker Yes, that’s a phone. Wide angle lense of iPhone 14 Pro. If I had to download footage from the cam to later process it somewhere I’d probably stop doing it…😂🙈

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

freezer! It’s cold as hell today, with temperatures as low as 3°C in the morning… Woolen hat and socks smiled from the closet along with mandatory gloves…🤣 At least it was sunny…🙄

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

It was unbelievably cold today. 5°C felt like winter and I regretted I didn’t wear the winter jacket… I also started looking for some heated gloves, because I have no idea how I’m gonna survive the real winter…🤡

@cycling @rower


paavi, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower I could recommend "lobster" or "split mitt" style country skiing mittens/gloves. Better than gloves because your adjacent fingers warm each other but your middle and index fingers aren't tied to each other. Maybe get a size larger than normal and you can wear thin merino wool gloves underneath if it's really cold. YMMV but heated gloves never ever seemed worth it even at -15°C.
This is what I mean

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

on a ! The things we do for love…🥰 Torrential are passing through Europe, but with the right gear everything is doable!😂🤡

@cycling @rower


Cycling_Liz, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower That does look wet, but it also looks really fresh.

!deleted197 avatar

@Cycling_Liz It started raining at night. There are places that look far worse now, but I’ve chosen not to go there…🤷🏻‍♂️😁

It was surprisingly pleasant and refreshing for 7°C!😂

I guess the worst rainfall is yet to come. We expect floods in Poland as the forecast says it’s gonna be 300l/m2 in 3 days.💀 Poznan is quite safe, though, with only local floodings (mostly bad draining). The river is well regulated in here and it doesn’t collect water from the mountains…😅

@cycling @rower

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