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Blackmist, w Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer”

Crackers: We don’t do it for the piracy, we just like the challenge.

Denuvo: Try this one then.

Crackers: Too hard bro, at least give us a chance!

I acknowledge that this isn’t going to be a popular opinion in a piracy sub, but the main reason people hate Denuvo is that it works.

It’s basically killed the entire game hacking scene, because by the time they break it, nobody is interested in the game any more. There’s like one person left that can do it, and they’re more than a little bit odd.

It may be “anti-consumer”, but you know what was worse? All the other shit they tried on PC. Always online bullshit. Single player games that you couldn’t save any more if your connection wobbled. Actual rootkits.


Death to the concept of intellectual property and all but I’ve never actually felt Denuvo making problems for me when I played a game using it, you’re right it seems to be working as advertised.

I’m still hoping someone to crack it in a more reliable and fast manner, fuck large gamedev companies and their profit margins.


I’ve definitely played games that used it, and I wouldn’t even have known without the handful of negative steam reviews shouting about it.


“I’m too stupid to notice the difference so it must not exist”


People hate Denuvo because it requires a regular connection to the Internet and has a big impact on the performance of games.

I’m not buying these games not because I can’t pirate games with Denuvo (I don’t really pirate games at all anymore) but because they tend to run like shit.


I pirate because the original runs like shit.


I haven’t pirated any actual software since the 1990s (too cowardly) but my hatred for Denuvo and the like burns with unsurpassed intensity. I will never knowingly buy a game that includes it. “Anti-tampering” indeed. I’m not sure if that shit should be legally allowed at all, but certainly not in ordinary mass-market PC games.

It does require you be online, and it is essentially a “rootkit.” Its malware features are more polite and better hidden than some of the worst of what has been tried before, but that just adds to the danger that it might be seen as acceptable by people who don’t know any better.


I’ve seen Denuvo combined with the always online requirement with the latest Far Cry 6 on steam. The always online requirement makes a cracked version worth it in my use case.


Most bad Denuvo stuff seems to come from any extra DRM they add as well, just in case Denuvo wasn’t enough. Always online sounds like one of those extras, because I don’t think it’s part of Denuvo itself. I think the Denuvo online requirements are when you install, every X days (seems to vary from two weeks to a month, probably configurable per game), and when you change your hardware configuration.

Denuvo alone is enough, because as soon as Denuvo is removed, the rest can be removed by regular mortal hackers.


I acknowledge that this isn’t going to be a popular opinion in a piracy sub, but the main reason people hate Denuvo is that it works.

You act like this is some hidden secret lmao. You should change your name to Captain OBVIOUS.

@AOCapitulator@hexbear.net avatar

damn you fucking got their ass

IDew, w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

They probably yoinked it from 4download (for free) and are trying to resell it. A disgrace for these seas😤


They claim no virus, so they must have cracked it themselves /s

Diabolo96, (edited )

Is 4download a good source ? I haven’t downloaded a cracked software in ages but “diakov repack” pop-up in my mind whenever l need a very good source.


They often sell an auto-install USB stick you just have to plug into your PC. So at least there is some effort put into it that still makes it "worth paying for". And if you need to install it on multiple devices, it can save a lot of time if you don't know how to do it yourself.


Fair tbh. Didn’t know about this until know. But I would be VERY sus about a random USB rather than the source. But as you said, some less knowledged peeps could find it rather useful


I’d agree. In theory, there are many legitimate reasons to “sell” FOSS software. If I was putting it on a DVD, labelling, and mailing FOSS software my time and materials certainly deserve to be rewarded. Likewise, listing it on closed store like the MS store but keeping it updated from sources might make it easier for people embedded in the MS ecosystem to keep up to date.

I would expect legitimate repackagers/redistributors to be open that the software itself is freely available though. Besides I fear the well is poisoned by hustlers trying to sell something free for cheap to make a quick buck.


In my eyes it’s no different than a publisher selling a book that is in the public domain. You’re not paying them for their copyright, you’re paying them for everything else that goes into putting a physical copy of that text into your hands.


And that’s why most of the spam in my filters is from Indian IPs.


A disgrace for these seas😤

Every time I find scums like this around FB, like selling famous animes like Dragon Ball or Naruto GDrives 🤡 I call them out, I have never get a response… I don’t know if they block me or Facebook does it.

BrownianMotion, w Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer”
@BrownianMotion@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Release a DEMO, like the old days. So we can DECIDE FOR OURSELVES!!

Its a simple fucking technique. We only pirate to try, if its shit - then fuck you. If its good - then you have a purchase.


That’s the problem though. They want you to commit to a purchase and hope that you forget about your 2h grace window


You can return games on Steam tbh, enough of a demo for me if you’re a Steam user.

I think you can also return physical copies? Depends.


Two hours really isn’t enough for a lot of games. Some games you can’t even get through the tutorial in two hours.

@PosadistInevitablity@hexbear.net avatar

I mean I just pirate it and play the pirated version lmfao.

No sense in paying money at that point


Actually yes.

In my childhood it wasn’t very easy to find a licensed copy (TBF, even pirate copy sometimes), but demos would be distributed with magazines etc.

And after playing a demo which you like a licensed honestly bought copy becomes emotionally much better than piracy.

It was a working mechanism. For games which are not crap anyway.

odium, w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.





Nepal actually


What does rs. stand for? I just checked and nepal uses the nepalese rupee which is normally abbreviated to NPR, but rs. ?


We use both. Rs is just short for rupees. NPR is for official use.


Ahh, makes sense. Cool, thanks.

NateNate60, w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

This is like the people who repackage and rebrand LibreOffice and then resell it for $10 on the Windows Store to gullible users.

And the worst part about that is that it doesn’t even break the law.


‘people’ smh

@photonic_sorcerer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s FOSS, what did you expect?


It can be argued that the libreoffice dude is providing a service. If you were deeply invested in the windows ecosystem, with most of your apps coming from the store and you also have like 20 windows computers, buying it for $10 is totally worth it.

1 click install and auto updates being the advantage. Not to mention a centralized way to make sure all your machines are running the same version.

It’s not like it’s a subscription or per machine license.


The Windows Store limits the number of machines that you can install paid software on to 10. If you are managing a lot of computers you’d be better off with some actual management software or at least a package manager like Chocolatey. Then you can push software to your machines, run updates, or uninstall stuff whenever you like.

@roon@lemmy.ml avatar

Literally every use case you just said can be automated using winget, for free.

Windows store apps don’t even update half the time if you don’t open the store and manually update it yourself


Those repackages of libreoffice packages are actually official.


These versions are free software (as in open source) but there’s a small charge to cover the effort of putting software in the app stores, and to help develop the software (and build our communities).


They are not. I do not refer to the package called “LibreOffice”. If you search for “office” on the Windows Store, you’ll see a bunch of LibreOffice clones that are not branded as such and are not free of charge or contain advertisements.

gravitas_deficiency, w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

Inclusive of more than 10 softwares?!?

@AllNewTypeFace@leminal.space avatar

Four whole marijuanas

@vsis@feddit.cl avatar

more than 10. that’s a lot of softwares!


So 11?


10.1 maybe?

@victron@programming.dev avatar

Yeah! I want me some of those softwares too!

VexTux, w Lucky patcher guides?

Is lucky patcher safe? I don’t feel safe allowing root permission on closed source software


Nice thing is, you don’t have to. It’ll still patch the apk for you, it just won’t install it (having root allows it to overwrite the current app, allowing you to keep your data)

azerial, w Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer”

Even the devs hate denuvo. It slows down the build times and makes it hard to debug.



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  • BeardedGingerWonder,

    The publisher? The business types?



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  • Sasuke,
    @Sasuke@hexbear.net avatar

    Again, the developer chooses to work with these publishers beforehand, right?

    have you ever been employed anywhere in your life? have you ever had to pay bills, rent?


    Yes, of course. But what has that anything to do with employees? Developers are not employees, they are the developing company.

    @Clever_Clover@hexbear.net avatar

    what? that’s just false, developers are people, they are employed to develop the game, usually their employer is the game studio.

    @s0ykaf@hexbear.net avatar

    i think what he means is that the “developer” has the power because he “develops” the games and without him the games can’t be “developed”

    it’s a silly way of mistaking a role for the individual that fulfills it. the role is necessary… not that particular individual


    What is it with clowns like this digging their heels in and blaming literally anything but the precious MBAs that are plaguing and ruining literally everything about modern society.


    In the comment you replied to they meant video game development companies by “developers” not the individual employees at those companies who do the actual work of developing games. Typically the actions of video game development companies are driven by the MBAs who have most of the big picture decision making power rather than the individual employees who develop the games.


    the developer chooses to work with these publishers beforehand

    What kind of paradise are you living in?


    The developer company has a choice. They rather maybe not prefer it, but that’s what it is. But saying the word “hate” is wrong.


    Bruh… Developing is a job. Hello? You ever have a job before? The developers don’t just work for there selves? Knock knock who’s there? Oh nobody, just, ya know a BOSS… Ya mighta heard of it? No, I don’t mean the movie Boss Baby


    Everyone in this thread is failing to understand that “developers” in this context can mean both “people who develop videogames” and “businesses that develop videogames.” As the people who develop videogames are not always the ones who make decisions like this at businesses that develop videogames those two different things that everyone is using the same word for often have opposing positions on the matter.

    @altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

    Lol what

    In most cases, the studios that can afford denuvo are also owned by the publisher. Like Sega, ea, and Activision.

    @Clever_Clover@hexbear.net avatar

    so whenever your boss tells you to do something you think is not the correct course of action you just quit right? you just leave your job without having another one lined up and probably risk losing your home, all because your boss told you to this thing you find annoying, you don’t have a choice to work or not work, the choice is to work or starve, which is not a choice.


    Hating is a strong word. Dislike, maybe.

    @Clever_Clover@hexbear.net avatar

    even if they do hate it and consider it to be the work of the devil, they still don’t really have a choice, game development is a really competitive industry, if devs aren’t leaving their jobs when the studio makes them overwork 80 hour work weeks right before release for a month in order to hit the deadline then they’re definitely not leaving just because they hate having to implement denuvo.

    @s0ykaf@hexbear.net avatar

    but it’s not like they had a gun on their head.

    they do have a metaphorical gun in the form of bills that need to be paid…


    It’s still a choice. I have been on the bad end of these deals and I just said no. I was fired and all.

    I don’t think they hate it, they just not prefer it. But saying the word “hate” means that it is their line that they won’t cross, which is false.

    @Mars@beehaw.org avatar

    So why would anyone hate Denuvo? Nobody is forcing you to play Denuvo-using games. It was your choice.


    Nah the Devs definitely get forced to use Denuvo by corporate… Stockholders and such. Denuvo gets advertised as the best anti piracy method and stockholders see that and say I want that in our game.


    Not if you work for a massive publisher.

    edit: or if you publish under one. It’s likely in your contract. Devs really don’t want to use it, but they are required to do so.

    Flax_vert, w Legendary PC developer says Denuvo is “a punishment to the consumer”

    I think the best way is to just have basic piracy detection, if someone trips it, then have a message that you can get past appearing guilt tripping them for it lmao


    Back to OG times in gaming where you would have stupid hats saying pirate or other weird things happening in game like not being able to complete it if it was cracked, good times.

    Xelnoc, w dayum...
    @Xelnoc@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Why not opt for FOSS, self-hosted options such as jellyfin? Geniune question, as servers and storage are relatively cheap, and in combination with the arr suite you can easily have a decent catalog without tol much effort.

    @ivereadalltheory@beehaw.org avatar

    Most people don’t have the time or know-how. I do, but a lot of my friends, even if they have the technical ability, don’t have the resources or time.


    This is anotherr way to sample something before committing it to storage.

    can, w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.
    ByteWizard, w dayum...

    Look at all that propaganda!



    AndyLikesCandy, w Facebook marketplace in my country is wild.

    Woah, only USD 12 for a GENUINE fake cracked copy someone first downloaded from a torrent?


    I have no idea how the law works in India, but I wonder if a small business could save money by just pointing Adobe at these people when they eventually get a lawsuit threat?


    This is nepal actually and everyone uses pirated software, government offices included. Nobody gives a shit here.

    @Double_A@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    I mean, if you are a designer that needs it but doesn’t know how to download and crack stuff, 12$ might be worth that time.


    It does say “No Virus” in big letters, so what could go wrong?

    minishoemaze, w jellyfin with subtitles on Chromecast
    @minishoemaze@beehaw.org avatar

    I’m guessing not, but in the offchance you’re using one of the newer Chromecast with Google TV there is a Jellyfin app you can install

    Bombastic, (edited ) w Android Game Popup Ads

    Idk if lucky patcher still exists, but i used it for a while.

    If its an online game there’s not much to do.

    If its an offline game that shows ads when you’re connected to the internet, then you can install a private local vpn like Tracker Control to specifically disable internet access to that app.

    Invizible Pro also works iirc, but that might be overkill for your purposes.

    Private DNS like NextDNS others didn’t work correctly for me but YMMV

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