As a fan of total war warhammer this is so sad but also so cathartic. Its sad that this is how CA and Sega executives treated their employees and their IPs, but cathartic because it proves that the community was right and we were being gaslit. Pour one out for the community managers who the execs used as disposable flak vests for all their shitty decisions.
This was the most “design by trends the CEO’s son saw five years ago” game I’ve ever seen. From day one you could tell it’d be DOA since it would be arriving years late and millions of dollars short, with absolutely zero soul or intent. You could smell the cash shop and sandpaper one-liners from a mile away. I feel for the devs at CA that have been pushed into making this game, and are now facing layoffs for it’s inevitable failure. It’s really time the C-suite started getting consequences for their poor decisions. Let CA make Aliens Isolation already dammit.
I don’t get it. The game looked completely unremarkable. Even its big hook of having some microgravity stuff was barely present in the trailers. This was their big play? Really?
a “total lack of direction” around the game, with one contributor stating many members of the leadership team were “asleep at the wheel but they never seemed to lose their jobs”. The same source noted an engine change and “not committing to doing anything adventurous with the game” were all part of Hyenas’ ultimate demise.
SEGA spent the most money ever… on a game that was years late to an old sub-genre, while mimicking games that had already failed like Lawbreakers. Great job.
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