


Gifted Autistic Sysadmin, Anti-Corporate activist

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I think the issue is only blaming the consumer and especially when pointing to the cause of the issue.

Is it naive to vote for someone who obviously tells you all you want to hear but has a record of taking advantage every time they get your vote? Absolutely.

But so is walking in a city at night. All kinds of bad things can happen there but someone who hasnt seen evil firsthand will not recognize it easily.

I grew up in a very rough part of a big city. I knew you cant go outside unarmed at night and especially not linger there. But I cant expect friends from other places who havent seen this to act „wisely“ without telling them. This why we advocate without looking down on people.

Have a good one.


Split between „yay, less exclusivity“ and „eww, aggressively improve profits“.

How do we abolish shareholder primacy?


Thats one solution for sure. Probably not gonna fly though. Any other ideas?


I think companies that make profits should not be allowed to lay off people. You‘re welcome.

Edit: without cause


I‘m shocked so many people align with me there:

  • Minecraft
  • Factorio
  • Rimworld


  • OpenRA red alert
  • Counterstrike 2
  • Klondike
  • Watching Phasmophobia
  • Dyson Sphere Program
  • Satisfactory
  • X4 foundation

Seeking: Kid-friendly Adventure/Exploration Games (PC)

My daughter (4) is very into exploring cities, homes and villages in Skyrim, feeding aliens in No Man’s Sky, and cleaning houses in House Flipper. She gets annoyed in games like House Flipper because she can’t leave the property to explore all of the visible houses on the block. I’d like to find other PC games that are...


Since she is very young and has no social pressure towards microsoftcraft, I‘d suggest mineclone, its free, open source and in opposition to bedrock mc not bloated with ingame purchases.

Minecraft used to be good though.


You mean besides the advantages that mineclone has?


I dont know where you have your information from but it works just like minecraft does, no difference. Especially for a really young kid that probably barely would press „play game“ there’s no issues afaik.

Why do you suggest something that you have to assume things about? You cant turn off the shop in bedrock minecraft. It is part of the ui (made to pull kids into microtransactions) exactly the reason why I would not suggest it to kids - or anyone - in the first place.


I checked the page and your claim is false. It is not in early development and the list of missing features has 4 points in comparison to 40+ points that are on par with minecraft.

Its also incredibly easy to install and free so no harm in trying.



  • mandatory telemetry
  • mandatory microsoft account
  • modders literally had to reverse engineer minecraft to mod it (closed source)
  • you cant download the game without logging into mojang despite the fact that you have to log in to your microsoft account anyway
  • constant changes that make the game more approachable but barely any that make it more complex ie redstone (subjective)
  • cant be played offline easily

Those are just the first ones I can come up with.

I have started playing minecraft in the browser. Had to pay for it using paypal since it wasnt available in shops. I definitely played thousands of hours as well, made lets plays, have multiple servers.

The reason I dont recommend it anymore is the initial minecraft was very different from today. It used to be about creativity. Today it feels like a race for content. Mostly like a game as a service thing.


Sure, you can turn around everything as you like. You wanted to hear one, you got many. Feels kinda disrespectful of you to try this hard to be right.


I did. Besides the obvious „dont expose your children to microtransactions if avoidable“ I have brought many more that are my concerns.

If you reread your text, you said this, in short:

  • telemetry no problem
  • closed source no problem
  • offline no problem

Which is just taking the facts that you asked for and putting them into the trash. This I found disrespectful. Even before when you said „find one“ was disrespectful but I chose to keep talking since it might be a misunderstanding.

They might be no problem for you but consent is quite a huge problem. Being able to use the product you bought (over a decade ago) in the way you want to and are used to. There is an argument that prolonged sales and development cost money and such but we‘re on lemmy, a FOSS program (where telemetry is opt in btw) and we‘re discussing why telemetry without opt out is bad?

Also, to play offline is pretty much impossible, I checked multiple sources. If you dont have internet and cant login, youre f*cked.

Its also not a point to say modders got around it. Repacking games for piracy reasons isnt much different from what they had to do and I think its legitimately a big plus that the minetest engine is so easily moddable.


Thanks for elaborating. I understand a little better now. Also I appreciate you apologizing.

Some things I still want to clear up:

lemmy doesnt have „telemetry“, it is federated and instance admins have a lot more to do than harm someone. Thats very far fetched, whereas microsoft will receive tons of money for behavioral data from players. There is opt in telemetry for lemmy servers which is entirely different. Telemetry is a technical term, not what someone makes of it, sorry.

I checked, the ways to play offline arent easy. From four sources, you always have to log in with an account and after can play without internet.

Mods being available is not an argument against my aegument. Its still been hacked which I find unnecessary. I know about mods I own public minecraft servers.

Mineclone (minetest ist the engine) is not more open source. It is open source, minecraft is closed source. A child does not care either way. Introducing them to open source just makes the world a better place, bit by bit. Not necessarily important now but definitely in a couple years.

Also, you use the child to make your point (of open source) and exclude it when convenient (bedrock being a microstransaction mess and heavily geared towards kids).

I really dont want to fight more today. Its been a rough couple of days actually. Many people with really strong opinions and very little empathy. Lets agree to disagree.


  • Loading...
  • haui_lemmy,

    This reads so distopian. Like nintendo laid the guardian for pointing out the amount of shit youre in for messing with them.

    The judges and lawyers should be thrown into jail for life. Way to ruin a mans life for a couple hundred dollars a month.


    Understandable. But viruses arent that common from what I hear. Especially if you know your sources.

    People Re coming back to pirating since all media becomes fractured, more expensive and worse.


    Oh! Thanks for clarifying. That makes sense I guess. Will keep that in mind.


    It should be illegal to lay off people without cause while making profits.


    Welcome to europe. Poor performance, unless evidently on purpose, coming late (unless regularly) isnt cause here either and it is illegal to let anyone outside of 6 month probation go without cause.

    The US system is shit and one reason for suicide rates, poverty and overt greed of large companies. Its disgusting.


    It depends on the country but in germany, below 10 employees you have at will employment. Everyone else is only allowed to employ as many employees as they can afford. If your company is in crisis, you can ask the government for an emergency exemption to lay off a certain amount of people while making sure that they get new jobs asap (the employment agency works with them to qualify laid off employees so they find new employment fast).

    The important part is that there is always a reason why someone is underperformant. If its not on purpose, the employer must make a case or find agreement with the employee which is often done.

    Its really no big deal and the giant german corporations that compete internationally are evidence that it works.

    The difference is that the employer is not godlike as they apparently are in the US.

    Edit: source: I worked for the employment agency.


    The US system is stacked completely against the employee and akin to mild slavery imo.


    consolidate expenses for long term planning.

    Sorry, I dont speak corpo. I had a company myself for 7 yrs. There is no excuse for laying off people while making profits as long as they’re doing their job ok and you‘re not in a rough situation as a company.

    The ease with which american companies can get rid of their employees is disgusting.

    Especially people from the US and young people dont seem to know that companies are not supposed to make profits every year. Listening to nowadays business news is like „company xyz made 3% less profit than last quarter. Record layoffs coming!“

    I‘m glad that this isnt sustainable and i‘m sure it will implode. Waiting for it every day.


    What is a serf?


    I did. But saying something else later doesnt make corpo apologism any better.


    That is very accurate then. :)


    I played all three, watched the series and am in the process of reading though the 8 or so books.

    The first witcher, as was mentioned, is very old and a little clunky for todays standards but it was great fun. I can neither understand why you liked the 2nd one - which I found bland and forgettable - nor the dislike for the third one, which was like 3 games in one imo.

    I guess if you really like walking/riding a horse and have the hardware to crank it up to eleven, the third one is awesome, otherwise probably not.


    If that were the case, companies would go down left right and center. What do you think the gas stations are doing? Landlords? Companies hiring devs? Everything is becoming lockstepped and thats why we are losing.

    We need to break up businesses above 999 mil in assets (including other companies) and break up entry barriers for new businesses. Amend the laws to exclude large companies from any securities so it is actually too risky to become this big.

    Its not really hard to do but people need to stop working for a day every month to push this. Take to the streets and unionize en masse.

    Everyone who is not part of a union is part of the problem at this point.

    What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children? angielski

    When Minecraft came out, it was hard to understand, not that good looking and only really catered to nerd gamers. There was no recipe book, no cute animals, no lush caves to explore, just an unforgiving Day-Night cycle and few, very creepy caves....


    Its not about what people (or peers) think. Its about the fact that minecraft isnt as fun as it used to be. Sorry if that wasnt clear from my post.


    I dont. My point was the game changed to cater to a different audience and I am fed up by it.


    There is no judgement and no self victimisation in my post. Minecraft changed drastically from what it was and I‘m fully allowed to not like it.

    But thanks for the suggestion dwarf fortress seems to be quite the thing to try. Will check it out.


    I havent yet but it looks cool!


    You can keep your condescending attitude to yourself. I‘m perfectly allowed to be unhappy about things and you cant do shit against it. Don’t like it? your problem.

    The game was totally different back then and just because kids played it in 2010 doesnt mean I‘m wrong to think it didnt need the additions I mentioned.


    More like „someone said bad thing about minecraft! Get 'im!“

    Still reading through hatemail but so far not one with an „I have a different opinion, here is it.“ am I frustrated? Absolutely. Is it ok to dogpile on me? Yes, if you’re an antisocial jerk.


    I like your take. I‘m perfectly fine with differing opinions.

    Back when I started playing there was no community so the difference is pretty large but I get how its cool to many and bad for a few. As it is often in life. Is that reason to be frustrated? For me it is.


    I have both and sunk about 300 hours into each. Very cool games. Thanks for mentioning them.


    Will check it out! Thank you! :)


    Thanks for mentioning them. The last two are on my wishlist.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I already host a couple java servers which is what keeps me playing. Its the changes to the game itself that keep me guessing as well as the low key fear that java may get discontinued at some point because bedrock make number go up.


    Thats a good point. I did change as well.


    Thanks for elaborating. I can see your point.

    What I‘m somewhat weary of is the idea that there is a „way of doing things“ for a lot of folks. That way is not for everyone. playing a particular game over a long time (among others) isn’t unhealthy or wrong. Also, just because the gaming industry forces marketing down our throats doesnt mean a game needs to change or we need to be ok with it.

    Think chess. How did it change in the past 10 years, or 20?

    My point is not nostalgia but I miss a neurological bias called the framing effect. This makes me see things a lot different than a lot of folks. And from that pov, a great game changing and focusing on something else than it has in the past in my mind is perfectly reasonable.

    I do get that people are upset with how I phrased it. I was frustrated and needed to talk about it. People didnt like that and I understand it.


    Thats an awesome idea! I might do this. Thanks.


    Thanks for the feedback.

    I do enjoy games like factorio, satisfactory, now jagged alliance 3, dyson sphere program, witcher (1+3, 2 not so much).

    The thing that I liked about minecraft was that it was so tough to get into and the mechanics we‘re pretty obscure. if you didnt spoil it for yourself by looking it up you could really watch your brain working.

    I made a server where players really needed to think to get going but most new players gave up frustrated because it was too hard.

    And thats ultimately what bothers me. Minecraft in its infancy was cool for me for totally different reasons than for others (especially now) and I‘m probably just fed up with being the oddball all the time.

    That make sense?


    I actually own rimworld and multiple dlcs. Ive sunk 300+ hrs in there as well. Its awesome, no doubt. I raided a hole planet once which was fun. Good suggestion though. :)


    I‘m very glad at least someone can see what I‘m talking about.

    In any case, thanks for the positive and elaborate reply. My experience with minecraft has been very good as well, meeting a lot of cool folks. But yes, most people grow out of it over time.


    The main reason I stumbled across minecraft was the fact that I had stopped playing games mostly at that point and only played console if at all. When minecraft started, I read about it in a tech magazine and had bought a new computer recently for writing resumes I think. Thats why I wasnt caught up by wow I think.


    I agree. Rockband hasnt changed. But minecraft has.

    Had to explain this special situation with minecraft to my wife today and she gets it since she knows me for many years: I loved the challenge, the obscurity and being forced to learn new things without a lot of help.

    If minecraft were catered for people like me, we‘d not have camels and allays but vastly extended redstone, new and complicated crafting recipes and definitely no recipe book.

    People keep saying „dont use it“ or „use mods“ but thats a lazy answer imo. Obviously, thats giving me the responsibility to fix a game i used to love.


    I know it’s great to be right and all but showing others why their experiences actually didnt happen does not benefit anyone. I played minecraft in the browser first, approximately the classic version. You can argue all you want that more than two people technically constitute a community but it doesn’t in reality.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I actually own that game. It’s a lot of fun, i agree.

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