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Offline installer. So a game gets removed from your library for any reason. Now you get a new PC and can’t play the game anymore. At GoG you get an installer that doesn’t check servers and can work with no internet connection etc. So even if they were forced to remove a game from your library, you still have the installer and can install it whenever you want. So if you keep a hard drive of installers, you will forever own the game as long as you don’t lose that data.


Historia prosta i rozwiazanie tez proste - zatrudnic prawnika / isc na konsultacje / zadzwonic. Prawnik moze gadac z obiema stronami, traktuje ta osobe jako swojego klienta wiec ma wzgledem niego obowiazki - i.e. zachowania tajemnicy. Prawnikowi powie co sie stalo (100% prawdy wymagane i gadanie o “niewygodnych” rzeczach), prawnik wie jak wyglada bagno w ktore sie wbil i jak z niego wyjsc zeby bylo najmniej szkody. Mozliwe, ze najmniej szkody nie znaczy tego, czego chcesz dla tej osoby.

Jedna z rzeczy “latwych do zauwazenia” w tej historii to to, ze mlody wrocil do domu. Sedziowie nie sa debilami, jakby chcial to pierwsza rzecza ktora zrobi jest wyslanie policji do jego domu.


Mam nadzieje ze pozytywnie, powodzenia


Valheim actually sucks with how they handle death - you lose a very significant portion of your skills each time. It isn’t a problem when you have 10 in woodcutting and it goes to 8, but at 100 and it going to 98 is a very huge deal that takes hours to get back.

Zgłaszanie użytkowników na instancji

Dzisiaj rano podczas przeglądania memów z zasubskrybowanych kanałów, natknąłem się na absurdalnie prorosyjski mem dotyczący zimnej wojny. Zapostowany został przez 4-letnie konto o nazwie złożonej z losowych znaków z różnych zestawów językowych, które na dodatek od jakiegoś czasu publikuje na zmianę posty...

Maalus, to bagno, najlepiej zablokowac cala instancje i miec spokoj. To czy dostaniesz tam bana czy nie absolutnie nic nie zmieni - o ile nie chcesz wrzucac dokladnie tego samego co oni. Nie ma po co sie wkurwiac, zdania im nie zmienisz a przez monitor w morde tez nie dasz.


Manipulative is in quotes because it is a direct quote. Slam isn’t a direct quote.


Z drugiej strony, ja rozkrecam jednoosobowa firme. Musze co miesiac placic ~2300 zlotych na samego siebie. Chetnie bym sie poszanowal jakby nie lecialo to z moich oszczednosci na emeryture, ktorej i tak nie dostane / nie dozyje


Medyczne / pomoc humanitarna. Na razie robie 1 klase wyrobow medycznych.


Emerytury nie bedzie, bo jej nie bedzie. Magicznie nie pojawia sie miliony ludzi z ktorych mozna sciagac pieniadze. System juz teraz kleka, za 50 lat bedzie zakopany pod gruzami. Ewentualnie podniosa wiek emerytalny tak wysoko, ze padne zanim bedzie mi przyslugiwac.

Co do podatkow - przeciez obecnie zasady ogolne to podatek progresywny.

Mnie interesuje glownie to, co sie dzieje ze mna teraz. Mialbym 2k wiecej na miesiac, to moglbym to zainwestowac w firme, zeby miec jeszcze wiecej pozniej. Na swoje chorobowe place dla sportu - wymaganie 30 dni na L4 zanim panstwo wyplaca powoduje ze firma i tak jebnie zanim panstwo mi cokolwiek wyplaci. Moglbym zatrudnic kogos na czesc etatu do produkcji z ktora nie wydalam samemu. Mam mase klientow, zero mozliwosci stworzenia wystarczajaco duzo produktu samemu. Jestem zmuszony leciec na oszczednosciach i ulepszac produkcje, przez co ryzykuje jeszcze wiecej - bo narobie maszyn, marnujac na nie hajs, a potem ich nie uzyje, bo co miesiac spada mi ~3k na podatki, ksiegowa, skladki etc. Mam i tak dobra pozycje bo nie place czynszu ani za warsztat ani za mieszkanie. Ale jedzenie za darmo nie jest, tak samo maszyny czy materialy.

Jak byli inwestorzy, mialem pracownika z nielimitowanym platnym, wybral L4 30 dni, 40 dni urlopu. Fajna sielanka, gdyby nie fakt ze zapieprzanie 3msc w roku samemu spowodowalo ze nie jestem w stanie utrzymac teraz tego miejsca pracy.


Jest niedziela. Wolalbym sie nie zapracowac na smierc.

It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation angielski

Like for many other people, Valve single player experiences were one of my favorite of all time growing up. I considered both Half-Life and Portal to be masterpieces. It’s true they’ve always been distracted with multiplayer games as well, things like Counter-Strike or Team Fortress and I did play them for sure, because I...


TF2 has matchmaking even in casual


It does now and for quite a while


Plenty from World of Tanks, going as far as match fixing to keep people in the “ideal for monetization” range of winrate. Shots literally going away from tanks you were aiming for. Spotting working differently. The patents for matchmaking they had to specifically foster that environment.


It isn’t a very wild guess it’s been empirically proven. Hopping on a low winrate account just makes you a god with impenetrable armour and perfect accuracy. There have been people going through statistics on this. People who say “nah it doesn’t exist” are either low winrate, or haven’t played the game much.


Yes, it is.


You wouldn’t need skill to win. That’s the point.

Space Marine 2 feels even more explosively, grimly, and hilariously authentic to the Warhammer 40,000 universe than the first game ( angielski

A Warhammer 40,000 space marine is not just your usual sci-fi super soldier. They are hulking behemoths, 10 feet tall (and about 10 feet wide too). They don’t move like people, they move like freight trains. They have the physical bearing of an industrial freezer unit and the emotional intelligence of a crocodile. They do not...


There isn’t much to know about the series other than the main guy got accused of heresy and has to work his way back up the chain. They’ll probably explain that at the beginning of the game as a lore dump. As for Warhammer 40k - everything sucks, humanity was meant for great things but weren’t prepared for what was out in the galaxy and beyond. A civil war happened, turned out that demons are real and they don’t like the ruler of humanity that much (who basically rivals their power). Dude got stabbed, is now in a huge immovable wheelchair that supports his body, but still tries to save humanity.

That all happened 10k years ago and everything sucks even more. There is no technological improvement - tech is barely maintained by a bunch of ritualistic fanatics that don’t know why it works or doesn’t, they just burn a bunch of incense, pray to it a lot and press control alt delete because it’s all part of the ritual. Humanity fights like 15 evil factions at all times, but humanity is evil too. Space marines would be great to fight the wars if there was enough of them for it - there is basically a couple thousand marines for millions of worlds.


In the first one you heal by crushing opponents. They’ll probably keep that system, since people liked it a lot.


The “evidence” most likely came to him when he forgot to take his pills. From Software games have a huge following of people hunting for cut content, going through every item for its lore etc. They even got Armored Cores into the game, and tarnished into Armored Core. If there was anything, it would be known on release basically.

S&box (Garry's Mod Sequel) is now in open developer beta ( angielski

S&box is Garry’s spiritual successor to Gmod. It’s still in alpha from what it seems, but now anybody can download the game and give it a try. This is mostly meant for developers that want to start making game modes on Source 2. Excited to give it a try!

Dev of cancelled Life By You game shares some information, including just two weeks notice of cancellation after being given the thumbs-up a few weeks prior ( angielski

I cannot share specific numbers, but I can say that we had an internal metric we were aiming for that had been approved, and that we exceeded that number by a significant portion. We also got a thumbs up a few weeks before launch.


They never really had any goodwill? What are you on about


Poland is the land of good, cheap programmers. We are usually ranked 3rd or 4th on the “best programmers” indexes, behind countries like China, Russia. Foreign companies will pay you like $80k or less for a senior position and get a really skilled worker out of it.


Good universities that are free to attend and pass if you make it through the entry exams. The unis are setup to weed out people who can’t keep up. Historically we have a great foundation for maths and physics. We also have tech centers in the major cities and some domestic, large companies. There is plenty of jokes about them, and they have a reputation of being “the job you get right after uni”, but in the end you have a place that hires a lot of people at the same time, each year, that lets you get experience. Basically if you are a person that’ll do well programming, then you are setup for success.


Nah, that’s bullshit. Cost of living in Poland isn’t as low as people abroad think it is. Plenty of people emigrated to GB or Ireland before brexit. Lots of programmers are in Germany and Austria, since they pay so much more. Like, if you go abroad and you get 2x or 3x your salary, no amount of “cost of life” will outweigh that.


Source for the numbers - pulled straight out of one’s ass. Who cares about average salaries? We aren’t talking averages. We are talking programmers. You also cherrypick Berlin and a paragraph later talk about you living in Bumfuk Alabama. Just because you stayed, you don’t get to dictate what other people do with their lives. The “why would you leave if as a programmer you can buy a lot of things” is so out of touch it rolls over to just being funny.


You literally pulled data out of your ass and are trying to convince people that programmers in Poland earn 25k euro a year. Go home, you are drunk.


Nah. TF2 is a shooter with 9 classes. People can double up on “soldier” for instance. A hero shooter has for one, a lot more classes / heroes (which comes from MOBAs), for two activated abilities on each hero which change the games significantly, and usually disables doubling up in competetive modes. You wouldn’t call Enemy Territory a hero shooter for instance.


I mean, okay, people can claim that every fps is just Doom with extra steps, doesn’t make the distinction irrellevant though. Mobas are their own thing, they aren’t called RTS anymore. Same with hero shooters. Tf2 isn’t a hero shooter.


Just the fact that you need to go through so many mental gymnastics to prove your point shows it. Tf2 is not a hero shooter, get over it.


Going by that definition CS is a hero shooter.


Why should they go anywhere else? They are right. Making an echochamber by literally gatekeeping people with different political views than you isn’t productive either.


Why not? Arbitration clauses work in the US. The funnier things that happen is when something is so bad, thousands of people go in for arbitration and the company cannot afford that. Then it backfires hard on them since you need to get every person to arbitrate and there is tens of thousands of them.


Nah dude. Both cases are incredibly famous for what they were voted for. It was countless people shitposting. There were other, better recognizable games in there. Like Red Dead 2 is from 6 years ago.


Red dead got labour of love for how shitty the dev situation was when working on the game tho.


It doesn’t need to go to a huge project, it needs to go to a project that was supported for a long time by dedicated devs who like working on the game and put in their all into it etc. Red dead was literally all crunch, devs hated working on it, and it stopped immediately after release.


It’s not only that. The progression system was f-ed, requiring you to switch from your favourite weapons to other, shittier ones just to get an achievement. Some weapons had barely any, some had a lot, so you could end up getting the progress from your favourite weapon in a match and had to switch to grind a pistol or some stupid shi like that. The devs defended this system forever, but finally gave up once the numbers were at the level seen in the screenshot.


Obviously you’ve never had a headset from Valve. It is literally plug in 3 things, setup space so you don’t hit your monitor (optional) and play it.


Where were you when British got kill


I loved these stupid binds. I was part of an RP server and each time I saw one my stomach churned. Lots of newbies talking up the big bad red in mystic armor, and the dude just ignores them, yells at the banker and fucks off with a Kal Ort Por. Better yet, a random blue casting a portal for a friend into the heart of Britt, the guy that’s running gets in and starts yelling his banker binds while standing on the other side of the portal. Baddies go through, suddenly lots of shit on the floor that you can grab since yoinking reds didn’t set crim.

Honestly I don’t even know what was modded / added in and what was in the actual game. Them going open source with Modain’s Legacy was such a boss move.


Larian worked with Hasbro to make BG3. Hasbro lays off people who helped them (from Hasbro). Larian doesn’t have much say about it other than “it sucks dude”.


Well yeah, but the surfaces were DOS2 “thing”. They are present in BG3 too, just not as important to the overall gameplay. It doesn’t reflect badly on any future Divinity games, since they have proven they can use surfaces and have it not be overwhelming.


Have they confirmed it comming before July?


Warframe, not Warthunder. Warthunder is a toxic shithole.


Doubt it, seeing as Warframe has nothing to do with the current military in any way.


Not a very funny one, hence me clarifying.

What games do you recommend for my girlfriend? angielski

My girlfriend has never really gamed. But she’s now forced to move less than she would like to (health problem) and she’s getting bored. I was thinking of introducing her to a game or two that we could play together. She’s not the real action game type, and seeing as she has no experience with controller/mouse and keyboard...


It’s funny how people overestimate what a person that never gamed can do. OP, Factorio is constant precise clicking with an unintuitive UI if you haven’t played any games. So is Satisfactory and similar others.

Start with things casual gamers play. There is a reason Sims is so popular. If you want to later (muuuch later) introduce her into the FPS genre - Portal 2. It has very little controls to remember, and very rarely is there any action that needs to require dexterity in aiming. Also, Valve invisible tutorials are awesome for new gamers.


Countries were felled because of veto powers. It’s a stupid approach to most things.


Demand and supply. People wanted to play the game and paid a lot to do it. Nothing weird about that.

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