#GoodMorning#Gravel! Last days of perfect weather… Some nice places along #Warta#river again, so it doesn’t get that boring. There is only so much you can do within the city limits…
#GoodMorning#Gravel! Had a bad night with a very little sleep and humidity was through the roof, so it felt like an utter grind… We also overslept so #KidsOnBikes were late today…😔
#GoodMorning#Swimming on a #Bicycle! The things we do for love…🥰 Torrential #rains are passing through Europe, but with the right gear everything is doable!😂🤡
#GoodMorning#Cycling! We’re down from summer heat to 8°C and #rain! I was hesitant to go into the wet, but I guess I’m not made of sugar!😂 #KidsOnBikes aren’t either!🥰
@bobiko tak sobie dalej ogladam film z #AmsterdamDanceMission od Ciebie z wczoraj i w sumie - skoro #ParadaWolnosci jest tak spektakularnym sukcesem to moze przejazd platform po #Poznan.iu tez zostanie reaktywowany? :D
#GoodMorning#Cycling! Back to the morning routine with #KidsOnBikes! With a little bit of rain, but after 3 weeks of nothing I can gladly go with anything…😁🙈
#GoodMorning#Cycling! First ride after 3 weeks of shingles induced hiatus! My heart rate was abysmal, rarely dropping below 160bpm and I was going easy… But I’m happy I’m back!🥰 The form will return!🫣
#Night#gravel#cycling in #Poznan#forests is kinda losing it’s thrill… Got used to go through parks and woods alone so much it’s no longer a challenge…😂🤡
The lack of wild boars is probably the main reason. Meeting a family with little ones is always dangerous…🙈🤷🏻♂️
A long awaited #NightRiders urban ride with a trusted friend. There wasn’t much of a #gravel, but plenty of fast rolling asphalt. Still fun, though, cause of a great company!🥰
#GoodMorning#cycling! A nice #summer#drizzle was exactly what the doctor has ordered!😊 The air was so nice it was a pleasure to put some force into the pedals…🥰