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chase_what_matters, w Amtrak Might Bring 200+ MPH Japanese Bullet Trains To Texas

If it actually happens, they will incessantly bitch about the project at every stage, I’m certain of that.


Ted Cruz is going to do everything in his power to block this while telling his constituents how amazing it’s going to be.

zeropublix, w Amtrak Might Bring 200+ MPH Japanese Bullet Trains To Texas

Electric trains with their network? Sounds fun

JJROKCZ, w California takes first step in acquiring trains for High-Speed Rail

Nice! Implementation of high speed rail is needed to get the populace away from frequent wasteful flights

NarrativeBear, w California takes first step in acquiring trains for High-Speed Rail

Hopefully the implementation is done in a well and thoughtful way, such as connected stations in city centers and outskirt towns.

It would also be nice to see these stations interconnected with transit hubs such as subways/trams/buses, and have a pedestrian orientation focus with cycle infrastructure included.

It would be a shame to see these station built outside of walking distance of any surrounding communities in the middle of nowhere with a carpark all around. Something similar to a Walmart Supercenter parking lot.


You can see on the California government website where the current plan is to integrate with each part of the city. Many of the bigger population centres will have stations right at (what sound like to me as) major transit hubs. Unfortunately, the 2030 target is for operation between Bakersfield - Madera, so the parts around SF and LA will still take a bit longer than that.

daredevil, w California takes first step in acquiring trains for High-Speed Rail

I feel like I've heard attempts at this from over a decade ago... doubting I'll see this within my lifetime at this point.


I can understand your skepticism, but you may be slightly misinformed. High speed rail corridors don’t pop up overnight, and they take longer if you want it to be built as economically, safe, and well-thought out as possible. For this project we are about 15 years after voters approved the idea 2008, so that part is true as you say. So planning is done to get the most efficient and effective path which takes years, consulting the public takes years, building it takes more years, then testing and commissioning is the cherry on top. The American idea of “I can do this all by myself without any European/Asian help” is certainly slowing things down and making it expensive as well. Due to inflation the costs also will rise but so will the cost of any alternative be it maintaining highway systems, managing traffic and pollution.

See the progress of the project for yourself at their website. Or a detailed summary on the Wikipedia page.

These must be golf pegs for Godzilla! :)

AllNewTypeFace, w Talgo 350 SRO High Speed Train in Saudi Arabia avatar

Saudi Arabia looks very green

PanArab, avatar
Mixel, w Abu Dhabi to Dubai by train: a glimpse of a passenger journey with Etihad Rail
Mixel avatar

A ja myślałem, że arabowie to tylko odrzutowcami podróżują. Może wkoncu będzie można dojechać na szczyty klimatyczne.

Fixbeat, w Women drive fast train to Mecca as Saudi workforce evolves

Disappointed, I thought they were driving Saudi mechas.

scrubbles, w Brightline West HSR is Potentially Delayed if this Waiver is Blocked
!deleted6348 avatar

Commented. Thanks for letting us know! HSR should be a huge priority right now

thesporkeffect, w Public Ownership of Rail Is on the Agenda. Here’s What It Could Look Like.

Nationalize it

HerbalGamer, avatar

And make it free.


Free for passenger service, paid for freight service. Passenger Service always has priority.

sadreality, w Public Ownership of Rail Is on the Agenda. Here’s What It Could Look Like.

Daddy warren will call daddy Joe who will shut it down.

Fucking you wage slaves.

mercano, w Public Ownership of Rail Is on the Agenda. Here’s What It Could Look Like. avatar

Separate infrastructure and operations. Nationalize the infrastructure, allow private companies to pay to operate over it, but place limits on things like train length and require regular inspection of the rolling stock using the national infrastructure. Basically, adopt an infrastructure & regulation system similar to that trucks operate under.


Perfect! Just like the interstate highway system, one of the smartest and most successful initiatives in American history. And like the interstates, this is a solid investment of our tax dollars.

Let the private operators fight over pricing, both for commercial and private use. That’s a win for everyone, and the environment.

If I could hop a train to New Orleans and just chill for a few hours, I sure as hell wouldn’t drive. People like me could move around, stimulating economies far from home. That in turn would drive cities to invest in infrastructure, give people a reason to visit.

lntl, w Public Ownership of Rail Is on the Agenda. Here’s What It Could Look Like.

same as the interstate highway. federally owned alignments, rails, signals, etc enable private operators to offer transport services based out of private yards

ajsadauskas, (edited ) avatar

@lntl @Rentlar Why is how the public ownership of railways could work a hypothetical in the US?

Many countries already do this right now.

Here's a link to the Australian Rail Track Corporation:

It's owned by the Australian Federal Government, owns rail track infrastructure, but doesn't operate any freight or passenger services itself.

Here's a link to VicTrack:

It's owned by the Victorian state government, owns rail infrastructure in Victoria, but doesn't operate any freight or passenger services itself.


It was that way in the US and Canada before too (Conrail and CN specifically). There’s no good reason it couldn’t be feasible today.

If you are in NA, get the word out to your people you know, then direct it to state legislators, congress people, MPs, MPPs.

stewie3128, w Public Ownership of Rail Is on the Agenda. Here’s What It Could Look Like.

Nationalize all of it, or let the unions purchase the companies.

When Conrail was up for sale, initially the only viable bid came from the employees’ union of Conrail. Liddy Dole rejected it out of hand for that reason. Years later it was sold to a group of proper capitalists.

Rentlar, w How India electrified 45% of its railway network in just five years

Big congratulations to them! It’s a very impressive accomplishment for a sprawling network with a long legacy.

(Edited to add): The US could honestly do big things like this too if they actually valued their railroad network as a matter of national security like they did with highways.

!deleted6348 avatar

I was in Europe on their rail and we rode from Switzerland to Rome in a day. Albeit a bit long, 8 hours, but when we got off we realized that entire trip was the same distance as Denver to Seattle, a flight we frequently take.

Flying takes us about 3.5 hours plus security, waiting, travel to and from the airport. Plus then sitting on a cramped plane with very little service.

I wish I could take 2 more hours and have an enjoyable ride like the rail they have over there.


I was figuring 8 hours to be a bit long and i just checked: all connections from zurich to rome go via the gotthard scenic route, and not through the tunnel. I thought the gotthard was open again for passenger rail after the big derailment they had, apparently not. While the scenic route is very nice indeed, the tunnel could shave off a solid hour of travel time.

MCRascasse, avatar

@scrubbles @Rentlar Just did 2 and a bit weeks in Switzerland and Italy. Exclusively used rail. It's amazing - and cheap (especially in Italy)

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