tanisnikana, do games w Here are some of the shenanigans you can do in my Stanley Parable-inspired game




dormedas, (edited ) do games w Can someone tell me if this game cartridge is authentic?

Definitely fake. Batch identifier plus a lot of things (label quality, top notch) being a bit off, and the stamp code not being CPUENXXXX.…/nds

voracitude, do games w Here are some of the shenanigans you can do in my Stanley Parable-inspired game

I’ve gotten as far as generating an infinite procedural terrain for the stock Unreal doll to run around in, so I have some sense of what a feat it is to even get close to building a full game with art and sound and mechanics. Congratulations on hitting the point where you can show it off, and good luck with the release! 🙌


Thank you so much! Yeah it took a lot of time and sacrifice but seeing players reactions is great. Last year I released a demo which is kind of a stand alone thing and lots of people played it and sent feedback. It was a great feeling : )

Road_Warrior_10, do games w Here are some of the shenanigans you can do in my Stanley Parable-inspired game

Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback and encouragement! It really helped make the game better :) I’m open to more suggestions and feedback :)

toxicbubble, do games w Can someone tell me if this game cartridge is authentic?

reminds me of the time I bought HeartGold and didn’t realize it was fake til I got to the casino and it glitched 😵‍💫

ABCDE, do games w Can someone tell me if this game cartridge is authentic?

Yes, it’s fake, APAE is the code for Pokemon Pearl, not Platinum, it should be CPUE (as per the front of the cartridge on the sticker). The text looks blurry, the plastic looks odd, the 0J09 is a common pirated code (last four digits on the back).


Understood. Thanks for taking the time to educate me!


This is some impressive knowledge. How do you know all this?




Well played

Drewelite, do games w The Fallout Bible: a collection of lore documents compiled for use in the development of the original (cancelled) Fallout 3

Whoa this is awesome, thanks

Rhynoplaz, do games w The Fallout Bible: a collection of lore documents compiled for use in the development of the original (cancelled) Fallout 3

Did you get a chance to watch the show on Amazon yet? The kids and I watched the first two episodes last night. So far, it feels like Fallout, and I am not disappointed!


I was laughing at all the YouTube videos last month “this is why the fallout show will suck!”. People are such haters. It’s not like the fallout games were known for their Oscar winning dialogue and plot, so as soon as I saw that the show has the exact same aesthetic I knew they could pull it off. I liked the first episode i saw.

Glad I didn’t watch with my kids though lol that sex scene came out of nowhere, but the gore I was happy about. Cause the games are pretty damn gory.

emptyother, avatar

Yeah, sex scene and sex jokes was a bit surprising, compared to how tame Bethesda games are on stuff like that. Well, at least the unmodded ones.

But didn’t scare me away after first episode either. Looks promising.

Coelacanth, avatar

I’m actually happy to hear that. I was afraid it would take too much inspiration from the Bethesda games, but sounds like maybe they looked more at Fallout 1 and 2, which would be just what I hoped they would.

I’m excited to give it a chance now.


I didn’t realize there would be sex scenes in it. Glad to know before I started watching. I miss the days when it was pretty safe to watch anything. I wish all these producers would realize that some people have families and that we don’t need sex scenes and nudity in everything.


The only nudity is a male butt, but there is no question that they are having sex. I was comfortable with my 15&16yo teenagers watching it, but might be awkward with middle schoolers.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

having sex in the communial wedding dress too


At least within that context, the scene made sense.


Mine are teenagers, and that sex scene made me a little nervous at first, but I’m glad they didn’t make it very graphic.

MacedWindow, avatar

Gore in games always bothers me less, it feels more cartoony. I’m not asking for them to take it out, but I would like a “for babies” mode that blurs it. I felt a little sick to my stomach at a few points.


The Ghoul definitely took the Bloody Mess perk! 😂

t0fr, avatar

Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas are well known for high quality dialogue and plot. The Bethesda games on the other hand…


Nobody remembers fallout 1 and 2. If it wasn’t for Bethesda, fallout would be a dead series nobody remembers. The only reason fallout is relevant and even has a tv is because of Bethesda buying it. It’s their series now, and their interpretation of it is the only one that matters.


Plenty of people remember and adore the first two games, and even tactics. Bethesda’s version of Fallout is great, and so are the originals. Get over yourself.


Like I mentioned to someone else, fallout 1 and 2 sold 750k copies combined.

Fallout 3, nv and 4 sold 50 million copies combined.

I’m responding to people shitting on Bethesda’s version of fallout and wishing the show was more like the first two games, and I’m responding with “most people don’t know the first two games, Bethesda fallout is The mainstream”. Am I wrong?



I agree that Bethesda has done a fine job with it, but I don’t agree that we should pretend that none of the other games ever existed just so you don’t feel left out.


To give you something else to think about for Fallout 1, 2, and tactics, there were also not very many people who could afford computers at the time of their releases.

I wouldn’t attribute the games being any less good than the newer games just because they didn’t sell as much as those newer games.

Fallout 3 and New Vegas was on PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. That’s also around the time the tech became much more available to the broader audiences. More people than ever had gaming consoles, and gaming PCs.

Fallout New Vegas has a lot of the charm of the older games, especially the wackiness that many love. Fallout 3 was (in my opinion) a much more focused game, in that it focused on the main story and kept most of the wackiness to a minimum compared to the originals and New Vegas.

I see what you’re saying, but if the originals did not exist, neither would the newer games. We shouldn’t shit on the classics, because without those classics, we wouldn’t have the show to even begin with.


By the looks of this thread, we’re a lot of nobodys.


PC gamers who are shitting all over Bethesda and the tv show, you’re not the target audience cause you’re unpleasable. I’ve met tons of people who’ve played fallout 3, nv and 4. But rarely meet anyone who has played 1 and 2, and I’m talking about the real world not your PC gamer forums


I don’t know what you’re up to, but I ain’t shitting on the Bethesda games, that’s on you.

Put it down to age. I’m sure not a lot of people who jumped in at Fallout 4 bothered to go all the way back to the beginning, but I gotta say, nothing says “PC gamer forum” like lumping every age group together and calling something dead just because you didn’t dig it.

t0fr, (edited ) avatar

Well New Vegas was amazing, and not written by Bethesda. 3 and 4 on the other hand were pretty weak regardless of how well they sold.


Oof, the further I read, the worse you sound.

PS, I’m a console gamer who was excited for 3 & 4 BECAUSE of the first two games, and I’m really enjoying the show. Which kind of throws your stereotypes and generalizations out the window. So please stop.


Joke’s on you, New Vegas wasn’t written by Bethesda and go figure, it’s the best game in the series (alongside 1 and 2).


That’s like saying the Empire strikes back isn’t a star wars movie because it wasn’t written by George Lucas


Pre bathesda- 750k copies of fallout 1 and 2 combined sold.

Post bathesda- 50 million copies of fallout 3,nv, and 4 combined sold.

I mean if those numbers don’t say it for you, I don’t know what will.


750,000 = 0? Or did 750,000 people experience memory loss? Lmao


750k is smaller than 50 million. Keep up


Yes, very good. But you said “nobody” remembers those games. 750,000 people is not nearly “nobody”


Compared to 50 million?


750,000 is closer to 0 than 50,000,000, yes.

But 50,000,000 is less than 480,000,000, which is the lifetime sales of the Pokemon games, so I guess nobody remembers the Bethesda Fallout games either. Because 50,000,000 is closer to 0 than it is to 480,000,000, so I guess that means it’s nobody.

SquirtleHermit, (edited )

Okay, disregarding how terrible of a take that was, which part of your rant was relevant to the topic at hand?


Fallout 1 sold 600k copies. Fallout 2 sold 125k.

Fallout 3 sold 12 million Copies. Fallout 4 sold 25 million copies.

I guess my point is that you have no argument. Bethesda fallout is undeniably the dominant and mainstream version of fallout that people know.


I guess my point is that you have no argument.

I think you are mistaking me for t0fr. While I do think you had a terrible take, and did ask how it was relevant to what t0fr said about Bethesda’s Fallouts being known for having worse writing, I never argued that Bethesda’s games weren’t the most well known in the series. So, again I fail to see how what you are saying has any relevance to what was asked…

But, for the sake of argument, the StarWars sequel trilogy had the highest combined box office of any of the trilogy’s by far. Does that mean the Sequel trilogy is the best of the three? Did it have the best writing? Does that mean that long time fans shouldn’t get an opinion when stories that they loved get steamrolled over?

Dont get me wrong, I’m enjoying the Fallout show, and I like the Bethesda games. But sales numbers and ownership aren’t the be all end all of what makes good fiction. And pretending like it is largely plays a roll in why we get so much high budget schlock.

t0fr, avatar

I don’t see how those games being less remembered discredits the fact they had solid writing and plot.

Popularity contest does not correlate with high quality.


I’m responding to people complaining that the show is more like bathesda fallout than the first 2 games. I’m explaining why. Because popularity and mainstream appeal. I’m sorry you don’t like facts

t0fr, (edited ) avatar

Hmmmm. I’m not even complaining about that. Considering you can’t roleplay in a TV show, guess the writing can have potential.

Just trying to refute your points about the writing of the games. I understand why the TV show would be based on something that has mainstream appeal. That makes a lot of sense.


Fallout 1 has a high quality plot? That’s new.

MacedWindow, avatar

Only the first episode so far, I really enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to seeing a Super Mutant at some point, I always love them in the games.


I’m curious if they will go with the mindless ogre version, or the smarter version.

RebekahWSD, avatar

Watched the first episode. Despite knowing every single person at that opening had to well…not do so well, the girl and her last line was heartbreaking

Mutoid, do gaming w I made another leverless controller for Street Fighter

Really like the black/white theme. What material did you use to cover the wood?


The build album at the bottom of the post shows the construction process. It’s a wooden box covered with stick-on vinyl wrap.

dangblingus, do gaming w I made another leverless controller for Street Fighter

Are the 2 extra buttons for custom mapping or do they serve an intended purpose? What inputs do you recommend mapping the extra buttons on the left side to?


Whatever you want. I’ve got drive impact on left thumb. Middle white button is start and pinky white button is unassigned currently (but Daigo uses this for drive impact)

TheOakTree, do gaming w I made another leverless controller for Street Fighter

I’ve been looking into building my own leverless for Tekken, but I want to make sure it’s PS5 compatible. What microcontroller did you use for this project? And thank you for the small boost in determination, I needed it.


I’m using a R.Pi with GP2040-CE firmware. It doesn’t work with PS5, but I have a Brooke USB convertor (that’s just for local events, I only have a PC at home). I used to have the Brooke convertor embedded inside the hitbox but that gave trou le with my Linux PC at home.

Let me know if you need help with the process. If you don’t have woodworking g experience there’s still a very easy way to make this yourself (with some tools).


I play on PC but was looking for PS5 compatability regardless… I eyed up the UFB-Fusion earlier…

As for the case, I have access to lasercut acrylic on my campus so I will try to design a stacked acrylic body (have experience from making keyboards). Still stuck between implementing arcade buttons with loose wiring or if I should make a “daughter”-board PCB with low profile mechanical switch contacts.

Walican132, do gaming w I made another leverless controller for Street Fighter

I recently built a small hitbox style controller as well. Really fun to play on. Still bad at the game though lol. I am finding this a lot easier on my hands and wrists.

ramble81, do gaming w I made another leverless controller for Street Fighter

So how in the world do you do Zangief’s atomic pile driver?!


You don’t churn butter anymore. You slide/tap/piano.

owen, do gaming w I made another leverless controller for Street Fighter

Cool design. I’m wondering about directional buttons vs joystick - is this for competition?


This is more ergonomic and precise compared to a stick. It’s completely down to personal preference, but this layout is getting a lot more popular. Fight sticks have been popular because of oldschool arcade machines and historical inertia, but designs are branching out now (see “mixboxes”, keyboard users and all sorts of custom layouts online).


Neat. And thanks for the insight. Do you have a good source for those button/switches? I’m working on a 3D design mouse and am intrigued by these arcade buttons


I got buttons from here. The small buttons are 24mm, the big ones are 30mm.

I wouldn’t recommend these for a mouse. These buttons don’t give much tactile feedback and don’t feel particularly crisp. They are nice prominent buttons for bashing in this context for fighting games.

For your use case I’d recommend a keyboard switch, low profile keyboard switch or micro switch (depending on the size and feel you want).

bekopharm, avatar

This. They are also known as “arcade buttons”. Everything you want to really smash :D


The leverless design allows you to move faster as well, if you’re holding back, you can also hold forward and then release back, meaning there’s no travel time between moving the stick from back to forward.

sounddrill, do gaming w Elden Ring on a $200 PC for the frugal gamer. Build guide below.

Is there a way I can replicate this? I don’t have ebay in my country but every city has a tech and electronics marketplace.


I don’t know what your local market looks like, but probably. The goal is still an i7 6xxx or i5 8xxx or newer. At least 210W PSU, and find a way to 16gb RAM. SSD is absolutely required. RAM and SSD prices have dramatically fallen in the US at least, not sure about worldwide. The Rx 6400 can be bought new on Amazon, Alibaba, or straight from AMD.

Try to find a mid-high end computer which is several years old and upgrade it. Where I am, you absolutely can not build a computer cheaper than buying a slightly outdated one.

ultragramps, avatar

@DevForFun150 @sounddrill I think I heard about people buying from the dell outlet to scrap for GPUs during the run on crypto mining and scalpers. Then there’s the “shuck” gamble for external hdds.

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