There are places with wild eviction laws, you can just break in and immediately have tons of rights. I’d say that’s a decent way to pirate an apartment.
But if you’re going to pirate anything, why not make it a house?
I’ve been saying this for a decade with Apple, and then with digital Games. I once lost some games I bought from my digital ps library, just vanished. I had deleted the purchase emails cause it was so long ago, and since they had no record of me owning them on my end, they won’t give them back. You could lose your entire game library that you’ve spent hundreds on, cause you unknowingly broke the terms, and now all your money is gone. At least with a hard copy, nobody is busting your door down and taking your discs. Also why do digital Games cost as much as discs, when they’re essentially leased, you saved the company manufacturing and shipping costs.
Unfortunately, many games nowadays are digital only, especially on PC. The last "physical" game I bought (Mass Effect Andromeda... yeah, I know) was just a box with a key to redeem on Origin. While DRM-free games are a thing, it's not always an option.
Back in the day, you weren’t allowed to plug a private phone into AT&T’s network. You had to rent phones from Ma Bell, for something like $10/month, back when $10 would fill a gas tank.
Between that and Columbia Music Club, so when Netflix was still sending DVDs in the mail, I decided I’d rather buy one movie a month than rent 4. Ripping them wasn’t so easy in those days, but there was already library organizers. Now, it’s like 20 years later and I’ve got something like 250 movies I can watch any time. Mostly good ones, now spread over four different streamers, if they’re even out there. Plenty to keep me entertained.
It’s a corollary of Pratchett/Vimes “boots theory.” More expensive to buy stuff, and the first few years you go without a lot, but in the long run, you get enough for less.
I do the same. Over the years I’ve accumulated a few hundred movies, that fit in half a book shelf. I have stuff to watch for years and if I’ve got less money in the future I can still watch my movies.
And most people decided that, rather than spend a lot of money to own a collection of movies in tech that will eventually be obsolete, they’d rather pay a subscription for a bigger library that meets most of their needs.
I know that quote sounds great like that, except it’s an out of context (and is actually “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”) clip from a speech given by a Danish politician. He was proposing a world in which everyone shares through services that loan the items in your house that you’re not using and then services them for free. It was an idea to help cut down on waste.
Why would you not be using things in your house? Because in this imagined future, everything will essentially be done for you and you don’t need things like stovetops all the time.
The only irony of “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” is that an indictment of runaway capitalism is now used to describe runaway capitalism.
More importantly, she offered it up as a thought experiment about the way things are going. She proposed it as neither a good nor bad thing, even in the story saying there were some people who rejected it outright, nor a solution to anything. She was just imagining a world where this type of thing occurred.
The mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it. People are so thoughtless that you can’t even think about something without being accused of espousing it.
That’s because posts are not just thoughts in your head. You are selecting the particular thought you want to publish on here. You are promoting it.
Very few people are “just saying” or “just asking questions”. Usually those are just rhetorical devices for introducing unpopular ideas that would be rejected otherwise.
Sure, of course, it’s an idea you want to talk about. This isn’t the same as saying you think whatever you want to talk about has to go one way or another. Even in the thought experiment itself, there were people who dissent, although they don’t play a prominent role in the story at all.
And also let’s keep in mind that this was some blog post by an individual contributor, not some official statement by the wef.
But I present my ideas with an open mind all the time. I’m rarely sold on my first thought, I’ll float the idea, and often will outright dismiss it quickly. The idea that if I promote an idea I want to talk about, even if I’m giving what my initial desire is for it, means I’m sold on that position, seems very foreign to me. It seems so crippling… Like how do you collaborate on anything if any idea you put forward is treated as the be all end all?
Tak będzie, gdy już UE nie będzie mogła udawać, że X stał się, nieliczącym się z niczym, narzędziem bogatego narcyza, który jednakże jest szczery pod kątem tego jak chce zarabiać na portalu X. Zack od FB udaje cały czas filantropa. lol. Za to portal X, stał się globalnym mechanizmem jawnie sprzyjającym rozsiewaniu propagandy. Robi to po tym co zrobił Facebook. Decyzja FB o wzmocnieniu zasięgów informacji od “innych ludzi”, lata temu, a obcięciu fanpage, które nie płacą, zrobiła podobnie. Elon i Zuck sięgają po te rynki, które wcześniej firmy udawały, że nie - szara trefa psy-ops i budżety partii prawicowych boostowane przez wielkich przedsiębiorców z różnych regionów świata. FB udawało, i cały czas udaje że nie jest tu super ważnym aktorem propagandy. Musk już nie udaje. Tak sobie krążą środki między prawicowcami na psucie i tak pseudo-demokracji. Teraz elity polityczne UE i US mogą sobie patrzeć na cyberpunkową przyszłość którą światu zgotowali.