Evergreen5970, do gaming w Has anyone heard anything about a game called "YEAH! YOU WANT 'THOSE GAMES RIGHT' SO HERE YOU GO, NOW LET'S SEE YOU CLEAR THEM!"

You may have heard about this on Beehaw! There was just a post about it here, including thoughts about peoples’ experience with the game.


I’m actually new to this whole “Federated” thing, so I did not hear about it here, but it’s good to see people discussing it. How do I access that link from the instance I’m currently in? I click it and it asks me to make a Beehaw Account.


The way I did this was going to Communities, searching Gaming so I would get, and clicking Next until I found the post. That’s how I found the post on Beehaw, too.

There may be a more efficient way to do this. That’s just how I did this.

Evergreen5970, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

Relevant TVTropes link, Not the Way It Is Meant to Be Played.

I am generally a video hater but this is very entertaining: a tutorial on beating Skyrim without ever using the left stick. The actual video title is misleading and just claims it’s beating it without ever walking.


ymfah is a mad genius, and everyone should check out his other videos.

CatBusBand, do gaming w Kim is too pure for this sinful earth

Kim our beloved. Everytime I see that dialogue, my lifespan increases

Thebazilly, do gaming w Kim is too pure for this sinful earth

I’m here for the Disco Elysium memes. Kim must be protected at all costs.

mp3, do piracy w Does anyone still burn their movies to DVD? avatar

I still burn DVDs for my grandma who lives several hours away. She doesn’t have a computer or the Internet at home, so in order to share video clips from the kids I convert them to a DVD she can play on her TV. She’s so happy each time she receives a new disc in the mail and it allows her to see them grow between visits.



mp3, avatar

She finds it easier to just put the DVD in there, as it will autoplay the whole thing without any intervention, and I take the time to make a cover and everything.

taylus, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games avatar

I love retroachievements for this sort of thing

Zapp, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

I like to play though GunStar Heroes (a terrific Contra style bullet hell) with a self inflicted “melee attacks only” rule.

The fact that it’s possible is one of the cool things about the game.

Didros, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

If you like unintended ways to play games then check out all of the great OSRS youtubers like Settled who made an account in runescape where he locked himself to one region of the map and didn’t allow himself to use a bank. A lot of fun is had in self imposed challenges around those parts.

bezerker03, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

Zenith VR is fun.

bezerker03, do gaming w Do you play VR?

I do on my quest 2. Mostly via airlink.

I love zenith VR. I just picked up no man’s sky on my deck and will try it via vr when I get home to my gaming rig. (currently on vacation).

It has its place. It’s not amazing. But it has its place.

dQw4w9WgXcQ, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

It’s a minor thing, but whenever I get into a pokemon game, I deposit my starter ASAP. I don’t want to rely on the pokemon which is spoon fed to me from start, it feels a lot better to play the game with whatever I’m able to catch along the path.


I tried to play Ultra Sun using only my starter Rowlet, and had to put it down when the game forced me into a double battle. I would have been okay with hatching a second Rowlet from an egg but it didn’t work.


My first time playing Pokémon Blue I did the opposite because I didn't realize you could change the order of the pokemon so my Bulbasaur was in my #1 spot and even if I knew the other trainer was going to use a fire pokemon i'd end up starting the battle and wasting a turn switching pokemon. Needless to say he was super overpowered by the end of the game from all the forced XP


I did the same way back when playing pokémon red. My Blastoise was up in level 60-70 when I approached the last gym. Being a small kid, I didn’t understand tactics of effective types - only that my pokemon was an awesome heavy turtle with cannons on its back. I never really tried to use other pokemon or switch out during battle.


I do the same!

I would love to hear people’s preferred early game alternate starters.

I usually go with the first non-Normal type Pokemon I encounter and build my team around it.


I try to stay open and switch out whatever seems logical to make a complete team with good coverage - both in types and atk/sp.atk distribution.

SevenSwell, avatar

I love me an underrated Bug superstar. In Black I used a Leavanny as mine and it cleaned house. When I played Omega Ruby my Masquerain carried my team and took me totally by surprise.

TheFloydist, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

If you haven’t had the joy of perusing I highly recommend it for the various “anti-walkthroughs” as the creator of the website has dubbed them. I’m always on the lookout for modern games that are broken in the kinds of ways that allow an anti-walkthrough but it seems quality control has generally improved for most of the gaming industry and it is difficult to achieve such a feat in many games without speed runner like tactics and abilities.


Such a cool site! Very nostalgic vibes

SteposVenzny, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

I beat Tears of the Kingdom without doing any main quests at all after getting to the surface, which I didn’t realize going in would mean beating it without the paraglider. It changes everything about how you approach movement and even a lot of the combat when you don’t have that crutch to lean on.

I accidentally created a speedster pacifist in Oblivion, building the crap out of my speed and acrobatics and neglecting the archery and stealth I had planned to specialize in so I just had to rush through dungeons stealing all the treasure and weaving between an ever-growing web of enemy attacks. By far the best Oblivion character I ever made.


I did the speedster pacificst build in DnDOnline once, because I liked to kite most enemies while charming a few to fight for me.

It was wild how that character could solo some difficult dungeons, but then a solitary guard at the top of a ladder was nearly impassable.


beating it without the paraglider

Did you keep a tally of dishes and potions consumed? Because I’m guessing it was more than a few.


The lack of paraglider didn’t have much of an impact on that. It’s more common to either die or be unharmed by a fall than to take survivable damage.


I was thinking more about stamina than health, from having to climb your way to high places without usable overhangs.


I went more for tech-based solutions.

verbalbotanics, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

I won’t call it pacifist mode exactly, but I prefer to play games like Tears of the Kingdom or even GTA by just walking around slowly and taking photos, observing the scenery. GTA San Andreas (the old ps2 version) is weirdly great for this because it has so many hazy colors and jaggy lines.


I love just cruising around San Andreas’ map, stopping at roadside restaurants, clothing shops, betting shops etc., just kind of going on a little roadtrip with K-Dust in my ear

audaxdreik, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

One of my favorite examples of this was playing The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure on the Gamecube back in they day. Me and a friend were really into it, but had trouble rounding up extra players. We got his little sister and an unwilling third friend to join. After about 30 minutes the unwilling friend, Marcus, gets bored with the game and starts sabotaging the rest of us. He’d run around smacking us with his sword making us drop rupees or refuse to stand where we needed him. That’s honestly when it became fun for all of us, though.

The other three of us would plan out the room and then we’d figure out how to wrangle Marcus back into place. Someone would hold him so he couldn’t go rogue and hit us while the others got in place to pull some levers before the wrangler would toss Marcus onto a pressure plate or something. He got to continue being a little bastard while we (slowly) made progress through the game. He eventually came around and helped us when it was absolutely necessary, but it was always clear it was just so he could keep being a bastard again. I really enjoy that asymmetrical style of gameplay and wish more things capitalized on it.

Also on the Gamecube of notable mention was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. Always fun when someone would get the personal mission of “take the most damage” and become a suicidal maniac in every encounter, much to everyone else’s detriment. Ah the good old days.

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