My biggest gripe, although I can understand the reasoning behind it, is that the encounter rates are totally backwards. All the Pokémon, stops and gyms are in cities, and there are scarcely any in the wilderness, skewing the game in favour of those who live in or near cities.
Also, the Pokémon games contain all the elements to make a great ARG MMO. Why reinvent it? They could’ve easily put their paywalls and micro transactions in place while still keeping the traditional Pokémon formula.
It’s not a terrible game, and it obviously has a following and makes money, but it could’ve been so much better. They totally dropped the Pokéball.
3D Platformers. We get maybe one or two every few years, and most of them are usually pretty short. last big one was probably A Hat in Time. if y’all know more beyond that let me know. just grabbed Koa and the 5 Pirates of Mara.
so desperate for one i’m considering learning how to make 3D games so i can make my own lol
I assume you’ve played or heard of Yooka-Laylee. There’s also Clive n Wrench. Neither of those are great though.
I haven’t heard of Koa before, but it looks interesting. I’ll have to check it out.
But I really want a new Banjo game, however I doubt that ever happens at this point. I recently started working on my own Banjo clone in the Godot game engine because I don’t see anyone making the kind of game I’m looking for.
Hat in Time is probably the last big indie 3d platformer, but I’d say Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a decent 3d platformer, unless you meant collectathon style 3d platformer a la what Rare made on the N64 etc. since you mentioned Hat.
Yeah, it’s sad but not surprising that they ended up being like any other “free” mobile game.
But I always thought that this type of game has a lot of potential, and I’d like to see someone give it a try again, especially if instead of a corporation it was a community project inspired on the fediverse, it would help split costs by having the load be split on many different servers that would cover each a different part of the world, and each region could have its own monsters inspired from the local folklore (this is a feature I really wanted in Pokemon Go, imagine if only Hawaii had the Alola versions of pokemons, and people could trade for them).
I realize this is getting hyper-specific, but party-based dungeon crawlers that are true 3d and not grid-oriented. Really, the only example aside from Wizardry 8 (that I’m scared to try because it looks like way too much effort and investment for a not-great return) is the Might and Magic series circa Win95, and specifically 6, 7, and 8, all built off the same, almost pseudo-3D engine. I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something very satisfying for me in that gameplay loop of clearing out dungeons via potshots and backpedaling, selling the loot to level and train your party, and moving on to the next one. The push and pull of skirting groups of enemies so they don’t take swipes at you when they get too close, the thrill of picking up fireball from the advanced magic shop and just nuking low-level mooks, the ecstasy of learning town portal and Lloyd’s beacon and never having to think about travel again.
I think part of the reason these games don’t really get made anymore is that they were always kind of a weird middle ground between first person Action-Adventure-RPGs and top down party-based TTRPG engines, and those genres are fully expressed today by a number of games.
Kind of - the customization options run a little deeper in M&M. You could pick up 6, 7, and 8 for less than $30 on GOG. $10 at most for the pack that includes 1-6, and I’d say of those three, 6 offers the best experience.
We’re living in a golden age of tower defense games. Sanctum 2, elements td, dungeon of the endless/endless dungeon, rogue tower, dungeon defenders awakened, orcs must die 3, bug tdx, tiledeck td … Seriously there are so many. Even Path of Exile has a tower defense mode.
Like, hidden object games? Alawar and Artifex Mundi still crank several of them out each year I think. They’ve gone from only having hidden object scenes to being point and click adventure games with hidden object scenes. For thr most part pure hidden object games have all but vanished.
edit: you might like hidden folks, hidden through time, and looking for aliens. I think it’s all the same company but they are true hidden object games with large areas to search.
I love simple controls or an elegant way to control simply. For example using one thumb to control two buttons simultaneously or the Super Mario Run control scheme where you only press on the touch screen, doesn’t matter where, and that’s it.
I hate it when in co-op game the other player’s actions can screw up the game e.g. moving the screen too far so the other player dies.
One of my favorites that I fell in love with was a particular class on an MMO game called Rift. It was the chloromancer. In practice it was tricky and arguable how effective it is but it was a healer class that provided raid/group heals by doing damage. Your damage attacks would provide the heals.
Just a neat concept I immediately fell in love with.
Destiny did this. I have no idea why people love that game, btw. The guns and the environment are well designed, and the story (if you call it that) teases of science fiction. But that’s all the positives about it.
The secrets are so bad that you need to follow a Youtube guide and would probably never discover them in a lifetime. The raids are a huge chore of completely arbitrary series of mechanics that are never explained. You grind for weapons and they get nerfed. You keep doing the same missions again and again and again. Your trophies that you firmed for in year can just go away without notice. The damned thing does not even run on Linux. The list of ways it is unfun goes on.
I’ve never gotten over how annoying the food / injury system in Metal Gear Solid 3 was. I almost didn’t play it because 30 minutes in it pissed me off so much.
Have you checked out Guild Wars 2? the whole base game (all story and maps up to lvl 80) are free to try; it does have IAP but they're exclusively cosmetics or Quality of Life items that don't give any advantages in PvP or End game PvE instances.