Omega polygons in the og, lol. Man, I'm so hyped for FoR. I've always loved mechs from gundam as a wee lad, but unfortunately never tried out the old AC games. So awesome From decided to go back to this; I've enjoyed Souls quite a bit and was blown away by Bloodborne, but even though I obsessively Played Elden Ring, I'm pretty fatigued on the Souls/borne/sekiro format it became and glad they are releasing something different even though it's going back to an older series. With the exception of remakes, I don't think I've played anything "new" since ER.
Gaming PC (PC games plus emulation of most systems, including Android and arcades)
2, 3, and 4. Some combination of three systems with large exclusive libraries for which emulation isn’t quite there yet or have unique features that make emulation suboptimal (Sega Saturn, Original Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS3, and PS5 come to mind)
A few years back I tried playing the original Halo 1. It gave me headaches and my brain simply couldn’t enjoy it.
On a similar note: a lot of modern games using Unity or Unreal seem to be magnets for mouse delay and filtering; which makes me very uncomfortable when playing. Those that have bought Killer Frequency: does it have any of this?
This would be a good demoscene category. Sadly it looks like doesn’t have a “platform” category for raw x86 (I think some of the DOS entries will be this, but not all) and I only saw one entry for x86.
At the end of the day: I think MS-DOS is a more attractive target than raw x86. It does a few things for you, but then mostly gets out of the way if you don’t want to use its features, and has better accessibility (thanks to DOSBOX) for most users.
Fuck. It could be Wario Land or Donkey Kong Country 2 (a bit later, 1996?) for me. Been playing them almost constantly since 1994 along with Mario 1-3. This gets even more fucked when you throw in all the ports, randomizers etc.
For actual hard numbers (roughly), it’s Xenoblade for me.
Played once on the Wii when it came out here in the UK in 2011. 107hrs.
Played it again through on the Wii. This was around the same, savefile says 142 hrs.
Played through it on Dolphin. Probably 80hrs or so, I don’t have the numbers on this. Throw another 100 hours on.
Played through it to 100% on the New 3DS port, twice. This was probably another 200+ hrs.
Definitive edition. Played through once on the Switch to 100% (this took 97 hrs) then twice again on Yuzu in 4k. 150 hrs so far on Yuzu (just got to Valak Mountain in this current playthrough)
Don’t even get me started on X, 2 and 3. but well worth it.
If you like power wash simulator, you might also like Hard space: Shipbreaker. The gameplay is different, of course, but it’s a similar general play of having a task and working at it. Just this one is in zero-G.
I have the original Rift and a PSVR2. The VR2 is so far ahead technologically that the Rift feels like a dinosaur. But I miss being able to mod Fallout 4 and Skyrim so much. Really hoping mods are able to get it useable on PC, being stuck into Sony’s environment feels bad.
I only got into VR a couple of months ago, I have a Quest 2.
I want to play FPS games with it, but haven’t been really motivated to stick to it - I’m really just waiting for my friends to get their own unit too, so we can play together…
But for now, I play games like Pistol Whip and Thrill of The Fight for exercising, and I also play Cards and Tankards.
Who cares what you play the games on. I built myself a decent pc a few years ago just to play Duke Nukem 3d some more. If you’re burnt out, just stop playing. If you dislike “triple eh…” games just play something else. Or play something older. Or something completely out of your safe zone. Play a genre you’d never touch otherwise.
If you need the cash, sell it. If you don’t, then why trade it in to buy something that does the same in a different form factor. But don’t sell something just because it’s too good for the job. A Porsche can still bring you to work.