In the style of Slay The Spire : Griftlands, Monster Train, Wildfrost, Accross The Obelisk, Dicey Dungeons (kinda)
More action oriented : Risk of Rain Returns, Risk of Rain 2 (both games are awesome and quite different), Rogue Legacy 1 & 2, Gunfire Reborn, Spelunky 1 & 2
Unique : Balatro, Noita, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Cultist Simulator, Ballionaire, Luck Be A Landlord
Feel free to search about any of these games or ask some questions about them.
Would not recommend Crypt of the Necrodancer, considering barely anybody ever beats the game even by default, and then completing the full story is far too hard to not be frustrating
Can’t say it’s not difficult, but it’s not a reason to not talk about it. OP may be one of the 10% who could finish it.
For people who found it to difficult, Cadence of Hyrule is the same concept ported in the Zelda universe. It’s easier, more forgiving and if you die, you don’t have to start all over again. And its musics are awesome, Zelda music remixed by Danny Baranowski.
Have you tried Mystery Dungeon? I think there are four of them on Switch. There’s Shiren the Wanderer 5 & 6, Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy, and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. If you’ve never tried the Mystery Dungeon format, then I’d recommend playing the demo for the Pokemon one to see if you like it first.
I’ve played several Shiren games (1 on DS, 3 on Wii, 5 and 6 on Switch) and I recommend Shiren 6 (Mystery Dungeons of Serpentcoil Island).
5 kinda went too far from its roguelike roots and feels too grindy, with too many ways to escape safely, especially easy ways to undo your death indefinitely.
6 is a lot more fun to me and makes good runs and crazy builds more special again.
For a very good introduction to the series, if you can play it, the port of Shiren 1 on DS is great and already has a lot of what makes those games fun. There is also a rom hack translation for the original on Super Famicom (that one only existed in Japanese), but I’ve not played that one much.
I can vouch for nearly all of the suggestions in this thread, and suggest one I haven’t seen: Vampire Survivors. I’m not one much for anything to do with vampires, but the mechanics with this one are really pretty good.
If you’ve ever seen bullet hell games like Touhou, it’s kind of like that, but you are the bullet hell. You also only have one real control during the action part of the game and that is to move your character around the non-stop enemy swarms that come at you.
Your character has a weapon and automatically uses that weapon without any input from you, and as you kill enemies, you collect gems that allow you to upgrade that weapon that constantly fires. You also get chances for other item and weapons upgrades with the intent to learn their “unions” (a la The Binding of Isaac) where items work together to create fantastical “bullet heaven” screen-clearing destruction.
There’s probably a wiki about it, but it’s really pretty damn good.
Like most others said. Dead Cells and Binding of Isaac are the top dogs. No matter what else I play I always circle back to one of those two eventually and get sucked in again. But some other lesser known ones that are good are:
Cursed to Golf - 2d golfing roguelike, no combat or anything. There’s a bunch of different cards to make the ball do different stuff. From a rocket ball you control after hitting to an ice ball that’ll freeze water hazards to a drill so you can tunnel through walls.
Oblivion Override - 2d with fast combat and a lot of perks and weapons that change things up. Perks from different “trees” have synergies that are a lot of fun.
Rogue Prince of Persia - 2d parkour style combat made by the folks that did most of Dead Cells post launch updates, still in early access but still fun.
Soundfall - not a true roguelike, top down rhythm shooter with random loot.
BlazBlue Entropy Effect - 2d with a boatload of different classes, different elemental perks that synergize and each class has different perks to add new melee combos
Curse of the Dead Gods - isometric with slower parry based combat, has some mechanics with light and dark that some folks don’t like. If there isn’t a light source nearby you can’t see traps and take extra damage but you can pull a torch out to light braziers or enemies on fire to illuminate the area.
Ravenswatch - same people that made Curse of the Dead Gods. Isometric with different classes and online co-op.
Voidigo - top down shooter with unique art and sound design. Lot of weapons and four or five different characters with unique abilities.
Have a Nice Death - 2d melee with nice movement, mechanics don’t seem as deep as others but still fun.
Dandy Ace - isometric with ranged combat. Magician that throws cards around, good selection of abilities.
Patch Quest - top down, hard to explain this one, might wanna watch a video to see how it plays.
Devil Slayer Raksasi - top down with a lot of elemental effects. Haven’t spent much time with it though.
Well this got a bit longer than I meant but they’re all solid, not sure if they’re all on Switch though.
One more, not a roguelike at all but Switch exclusive and a surprisingly awesome game. Golf Story, check it out.
Shows how much time I spent with that one. I just remembered enjoying it but started running into enemies that had all kinds of status effects and not liking getting blinded and slowed constantly. Need to get back to it eventually.
Nie tylko nikogo nie namówiłom, ale i mnie nie udało się namówić. Nigdy nie używałom zbytnio twittera, więc nie czułom potrzeby zakładania mastodona przedstawianego głównie jako alternatywa do niego. Przez długi czas zmagałom się z zbyt długim spędzaniem czasu przed telefonem i w ramach radzenia sobie z tym problemem raczej ograniczałom używanie social mediów niż czułom potrzebę zakładania nowych, bo prawdopodobnie i tak bym nie używało/czuło przytłoczenie iloscią treści i platform. Mimo całej niechęci do fejsbuka i instagrama nie chcialobym kasować tam kont, bo trochę ważnych dla mnie kontaktów tam mam.
Nie, bo ogólnie nie trafia do mnie idea mediów społecznościowych.
Czasem wrzucam zajomym jakieś link z agregatorow, np. albo, czasem linki z zarssowanych źródeł i tyle. Jedynie przeklejam na konto na fedi treści zaprzyjaźnionej stronki facebookowej azylu dla zwierzaków.
While I also strongly recommend Dead Cells like others, I think it’s best if you first play Rogue Legacy. Let’s put it this way, if Rogue Legacy is like a good cup of coffee, dead cells is cocaine, or maybe crack.
Having a lot of fun with Tiny Rogues. It’s still in development, and will be for another year probably. However it has enough content for dozens of hours of fun!
As much as I want to love rogue light games, I just can’t get into most because I do not enjoy repeating the same thing over and over. It’s especially exhausting when you start doing 30-40 minutes runs and I am just like, nah, there’s no way I’m doing another run once I die. With that said, my favorite by far is also Slay the Spire because a run doesn’t take very long and is lighthearted, so it works perfectly. The other games I enjoyed were Dead Cells, and Children of Morta. Hades was great as well, but you mentioned that.
For folks browsing the thread, not OP who already is done with Hades, I came to this thread to plug Hades because I hate roguelikes but enjoyed Hades. Story suckered me in, and it turns out the gameplay was fun too.
Hades 2 is in early access, but it’s already very polished. They’re releasing more areas with each patch, but it honestly already feels like a complete game.
Have you tried the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate game? I have not played it much at this point, but what little I piddled with it seemed enjoyable. For what it’s worth, I’ve played Hades and Cult of the Lamb and really enjoyed them both. I have not played Slay the Spire, though.