I dont think i even finished the tutorial for Syndicate, it was so bad. No human being is that fucking spongy and taking 20 something punches to the face, and like you said, why is an assassin punching people!?
If they cut the system, we’ll get the money in our pay. So at least we can control it. Just don’t spend it on games that will hit your backlog and sit for years. I’m personally guilty btw.
It’s as if two completely different studios made these games, and the one behind Syndicate had no idea what made Unity great.
Funny you say that. Unity was developed by Ubisoft Montreal, the primary Ubisoft studio who are responsible for much of the good work they’ve done (think Splinter Cell, Far Cry and AC: Black Flag). Syndicate was developed by Ubisoft Quebec, and it was also that developer’s first AC game.
i’ve been where you are with the specs (my device was an Acer Aspire with 6GB of RAM, iGPU, and a Duo Core i3). Some of the best games i got to run on there were Emulated Games. Assuming that’s off the table though:
Alan Wake is a decently low speced game and i highly recommend if you want Action and Story Rich (the original one from 2010, not the remaster).
Fallout 3 & New Vegas. I got them to run pretty well out of the box and both i can say meet the Action criteria.
If you want an online game Team Fortress 2 runs on anything really made in the last 10 years assuming you get your settings right.
Continuing with the Valve Train, Portal 1, Portal 2, and Half Life 1 all run pretty well. All 3 can be pretty high action at times (Half Life more so than portal)
Project Zomboid as far as i know is also pretty low spec. It’s a survival game which can be really high action depending on how you play it (you can customize the spawn settings however you like). Story Rich though? It leaves a lot to be desired in that department.
Max Payne is old, but it’s really high action and has a phenomenal story.
Look, it may not run well, but you need to go back and take another look at PS3 games. If I wanted to say a new game looks like a PS3 game, I’d pick Earth Defense Force, not Monster Hunter (unless you mean Monster Hunter Rise).
It looks like a PS3 game with post processing or ReShade. The texture quality is actually sometimes worse than a PS3 game.
Looking at games like Demons Souls, Batman Arkham City, MGS 4 + V, NieR 2010, etc, Wilds does not look like much of an improvement. And some of those games released early in the life of the PS3, so they werent even using the maximum capabilities of the hardware. Sure, Wilds has SSAO and RayTracing (if your GPU can even handle running that at an acceptable framerate), but if you turn those effects off to get better performance the game looks like a PS3 game. And by better I mean you go from like 40fps to 55fps, with Frame Gen disabled.
The game is an unoptimized mess and it does not provide a graphical improvement to explain the bad performance. Its not like Cyberpunk 2077, with hundreds of NPCs or something. There like, 20 dudes in a box canyon village tanking your fps down to sub-30fps.
I cannot meet you on this. Seriously, put Meryl from MGS4 next to Monster Hunter Wilds Lady; it’s night and day. And Monster Hunter is operating at a scale that MGS4 cannot. MGS4, of course, also has performance problems trying to push what it did on that hardware.
Regarding the comparison to World, what I have said in the past is that while Wilds does look better, it doesn’t look nearly enough better to justify just how much worse it performs.