@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar



“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Attempted in the name of greed, reversed in the name of greed.

Corporations are the answer to “what will make the most amount of money?”

The only thing they learned, for the next week, is that a healthy playerbase is more profitable than an exclusive one.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Not defending corporations but these massive conglomerates usually get so intricate, so messy, that there are people who end up getting a paycheck that genuinely do not get assignments. In other words, getting paid to watch paint dry. So sometimes the comments that look terrible are directed at people who were doing nothing or very nearly nothing and still getting paid for it.

But yes also fuck executives getting x80 the pay of developers.

RealFknNito, (edited )
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Hammering and saw noises.

Ah, there it is. CDPR is rebuilding their reputation after Cyberpunk’s launch. Nature is healing.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I feel targeted and attacked personally.

Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' (www.pcgamer.com) angielski

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I’m no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!

RealFknNito, (edited )
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Lmao because morons like you keep calling it a scam despite it making massive improvements. They could have cut and run 40 million dollars ago. You just want something to hate on and it’s genuinely pathetic.

You want an actual scam game to bitch and moan about? Go winge about The Day Before. That one actually took the money then shut down their studio like proper scammers. Don’t see them sticking it out while crybabies write up shit like you every 4 months when they get bored.

I’m sick of literal children saying “Don’t release the game if it’s not done! We’re tired of buggy messes!” then a week later saying shit like “Wow this game is still in development? They should release it already wtf.”

You gonna join the losers that made death threats to the Cyberpunk 2077 team to release their game early? Fuck off. The only people still crying about Star Citizen are the ones that bought a ship to find out their garbage PC can’t even run the game or worse - they’re console owners.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

No no, it should release immediately despite being incomplete because people are throwing tantrums.

It should do a Cyberpunk 2077 because that went really really well for CDPR.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Sir it’s in the name. Star Citizen. Citizen of the stars. It’s pretty clearly aiming to be what Starfield completely fucked up on.

A space game with as few restraints and as many possibilities as they can do. An Elite Dangerous with a much broader scope.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah you just had to ignore every piece of information from the founder and developers that it would be a highly ambitious game and that they were unsure themselves where it is they wanted to stop.

But that’s not as fun to talk shit about.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Homie you’ve been able to fucking play it for a decade. If you haven’t figured that out yet, you’re the problem. If they said they released it years ago and called these all “updates” you’d have nothing to bitch about and that’s why I fucking loathe people like you. It’s not “officially released” so it’s a scam, it’s disappointing, it’s whatever the fuck else you can dredge up to downplay the fact they’re still fucking developing it like any other active game. Even Elite Dangerous still drops updates and it predates Star Citizen. You people are impossible to please and it’s exhausting. Move the fuck on.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Fucking why? You can buy a ship for $20, go download the game, and play it this very second. The fuck does the “1.0 release!” title do differently? Give you full license to shit on how it’s now out and xyz isn’t done?

The people concerned about it releasing are the same ones who will bitch about it releasing ‘too soon’. Fuck em.

RealFknNito, (edited )
@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I did and it was as worthless as yours. It set out to have an extremely wide scope. It’s not feature creep if it’s intended from the fucking beginning.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

That’s the entire thing they’re doing. The violent encounters are being planned for, obviously, but they’re not a requirement.

Star Citizen’s approach seems to be to add the ability to do as many things as possible while giving you the option to define how you want to interact with them. Of course, you’re probably going to have to defend yourself from the stray pirate or bandit with whatever you end up doing but that’s par for the course.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I get the desire to compare the two games but Starfield tried too hard to color inside the lines by giving a story and lore while simultaneously trying to make an open ended sandbox which gave us neither. There’s a LARPing town of cowboys with dirt roads existing a few minutes from a hyper advanced planet with platinum roads and somehow they haven’t made contact? The cowboys haven’t progressed their dirt and wood town despite being in spitting distance of a planet of machines that could fabricate advanced tools in seconds?

Star Citizen seems to take the Dark Souls approach of light narrative, heavy world building, “go learn the world by experiencing it.”

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

“Still no game” see, this bad faith shit you do is just chef’s kiss. You can go play it right this second. Their updates to this point are open to play. Right now. “Still no game” isn’t just dishonest it’s a fucking lie and you keep saying it.

They don’t have to set a launch date, they don’t have to put down in writing for you what the game is going to be, and they have roadmaps and are updating the game constantly. You are owed fucking nothing more than what you’ve been given and you throwing a tantrum about it isn’t just frustrating, it’s childish.

If you don’t like the development cycle, move the fuck on and stop bitching about it. You have a life, right? 7 years in the workforce. Play a different game and stop letting this one live rent free in your head. As a grown man, that should be pretty easy. Let the developers decide what they do with their game and if you don’t like it, nobody is making you play it. Nobody is making you keep up with it. And the constant posts of people bitching and moaning “Why isn’t it out yet? Fuckin’ scammers >:(” drive me up a fucking wall.

It’s been a decade and people still rage bait this game.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Can go buy and play the game right now but I guess that’s not released enough.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Like what? What features specifically have they been talking about (for more than 10 years) which have yet to be implemented? Most of the core systems seem to be there, just seems like they’re polishing up what’s already in the game.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Well the story held the game back because the game wanted to be more open than than the story allowed and vice versa where the game held the story back because a lot of areas were underdeveloped or don’t make sense with where they are for the sake of the story they wanted to tell. It felt like two conflicting ideas at the core which ended up with what we have.

Why are cowboys within trading distance of a future tech planet? How have they not interacted to a point where they don’t need dirt roads? The only answer seems to be for the sake of being neat and is baffling. Empty planets being explained as being on purpose to ‘get more joy out of discovering ones with things on it’ and just… it was astoundingly average and competes for the worst Bethesda game against 76.

Bethesda excels at world building and it was disastrous to watch them fail at that.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

“Last time I checked”

Damn, as of years ago you’ve been able to buy new ships with in-game currency. You’re not even keeping up on the game you’re bitching about. Sure you can always buy better ships with real money, you can have whatever reservations you want about that, but calling it pay to win seems like a stretch. Elite Dangerous has long proved space battles are often a skill issue.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

So this hyper specific thing that they changed focus from is why you shitcan the entire rest of the game? The story driven campaign that takes a lot more time and resources you’re upset about taking time to develop? Like come on man. This really is Cyberpunk all over again. Just let them work. Go play Helldivers 2.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

It’s his name you dense fuck.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Then let us raise our glasses in agreement and hope Cloud Imperium can make Star Citizen as well as they hoped.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Notice how “Squadron 42” has a different name than “Star Citizen”? You bought the tech demo for a module of a larger game when you could have waited because clearly you’re not interested in the tech demo. Development isn’t a straightforward process and you had to know that going in. Sorry you think there’s “no game” because the section you wanted isn’t done yet. You’re just wrong.

Cyberpunk released nearly unplayable under the pressure of people threatening to kill the developers for pushing back the release date too many times. Almost like they shouldn’t have put a release date. You seem wildly uninformed about both games.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, why is that a problem that it’s “in alpha”? These are made up fucking terms that change meaning based on the people using them.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

That means literally fucking nothing to the comment you’re replying to.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Since you’re replying to every comment I’ve made - Alpha still doesn’t have a set meaning. It changes between people who use it.

Logging in and doing the content you couldn’t do when you originally bought it still means it’s progressing and yes, it qualifies as a game no matter how mad that makes you.

What part of “it’s still being fucking developed” keeps getting past you bud? “It’s just a tech demo, it’s not a complete game” - no fucking shit. You being pissy that it’s not done as fast as you want it is entitlement and you should really grow the fuck up.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Almost like it was being developed not for the day it began development but for the future when they intend to release it. Almost like optimizations are the last stage in development.

You’re a fucking moron just blabbering about shit you don’t understand and I’m glad you can’t do anything but whine and piss yourself about how your $40 hasn’t given you the best game your little brain could conjure up. It’s been a decade. Grow the fuck up.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

And unlike most kickstarter scams, they’re still trying to honor that original pledge.

Notice they didn’t promise an exact date? Damn that’s wild. You wanted to be an early backer so congrats, the monkey’s paw curls and now you need to grow up because you somehow haven’t over the course of the development of the game you keep whining about taking so long.

The adults who backed this project with WAY more money than you are still mature enough to put this in the back of their mind and go about their life with the assurance CIG will make good on these pledges. Helldivers 2 is a great game and there’s no kickstarter for you to buy and bitch about later.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Because nothing is wrong with a development time that’s longer than you want it to be and Helldivers is a fun game.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

8 years of development. Oh no. That’s the average range for a normal development cycle.

Fuck off with this stupid shit already.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, 8 years. The typical game development cycle. For Star Citizen, the well known highly ambitious game. You people can’t even wait until it takes them longer than a typical fucking cycle to bitch and moan about how long it’s taking. Fuck off already.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Still you, bud.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

That’s a core staple of the game and always have been. Last I checked it was from them censoring pro Ukraine messages.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve heard of day 0 bugs but jesus guys, come on. Expectations were already low.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

It looks fun, smooth, but I can’t unsee how much shit they’ve ripped off and killing Pokemon just rubs me the wrong way.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

It’ll wear off. I felt like that for Valheim and then when I reached the end I went “Oh. Alright. Whelp.”

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know, games like Minecraft, Factorio, Satisfactory, Rust, they all have a lot of staying power. There’s always burnout but I don’t think that Palworld is going to survive to the “We should go back to that” stage.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

The little Breath of the Wild stamina meter and glider kinda drive me up a wall. They’re just adding the same shit they’ve nabbed and put into that game and threw fuckin Pokemon in it.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Breath of the Wild - Stamina meter in the same style, position, and orientation. Glider and air movement, (Haven’t checked if they ripped off the cliffside climbing too but probably.)

Pokemon - At least half their designs are 80% likeness to already existing Pokemon, you use ‘balls’ to capture the creatures when they’re weak enough, you use these captured creatures to fight for you, you’re considered a ‘trainer’.

Like do I really need to spell out every fucking piece of this game that was stolen to you? Taking tons of shit from other games and mashing it into a new game is not creative, shouldn’t be celebrated, and damn sure isn’t legal. Nintendo have already confirmed they’ve only recently been made aware of it and are “investigating” it. The fact it hasn’t been Thanos snapped yet doesn’t mean it won’t be.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re delusional enough to think this slop game is going to kill Pokemon I don’t know what to tell you bud

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah Nintendo need to make better Pokemon games but it doesn’t make Palworld anything better than ripped off slop.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah and the third dimension was also a thing bef- shut the fuck up you know what I’m saying. Your cope to defend this game is a lethal dose.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck does that even mean?

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Really? So a glider that operates exactly the same as a popular game by Nintendo, Creatures that heavily resemble a popular game by Nintendo, and HUD elements that heavily resemble a popular game by Nintendo, are all just totally coincidentally in the same game, shortly after these games made it popular?

If there was a spiky purple dragon that was running around collecting gems named Singe, yeah, I’d probably call them out for copying Spyro. But Palworld circlejerkers are so delusional to try and defend this game by saying “Well, these other games had something kinda similar”. You know what they’re doing. You’d have to be a toddler or huffing a lethal dose of copium to not.

I get you guys want a protest game and that’s fine but does it really have to be this low effort? They could have went a totally different direction and used more realistic monsters, made it dark and a little gritty to match the themes, actually do some work to make it only a vague thought not use 95% accurate models with a fucking color pallet swap. I have emotional attachments to some Pokemon because I grew up around them, learned their personalities, and now there’s a game where I stick a pump shotgun down their throat to ‘capture’ them. Not exactly chomping at the bit for that.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Genshin stole it from BOTW too but the difference is Genshin didn’t also rip off Pokemon or another Nintendo IP so it’s more forgettable. This company has only made games copying Nintendo and has culminated their theft into this ‘magnum opus’. Pretty sure Nintendo was waiting for them to release the game so they have a profit number to directly point to for damages instead of just a ‘cease and desist’.

Stop coping. Almost every part of Palworld can be directly tied with at least 80% accuracy to a Nintendo game of recent memory. I don’t know why you guys need to do such complicated mental gymnastics to not admit this is a borderline asset flip using copyrighted shit.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Nice projection.

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