Here’s one that most of you have probably not heard of. Monster Hunter Frontier.
MHF was a Monster Hunter MMO that ran from 2007 to 2019 and was exclusive to Asia. Recently, a dedicated team of community members have managed to revive it with community servers.
It is brutally difficult, only partially translated, and has some genuinely awful controls, BUT
It’s only around 6GB and completely free.
If for some reason you want to try it I highly recommend joining the rain server, as it is the most populated and stable one. They also have a setup guide for how to install on their discord server I recommend you use.
I wouldn’t even say the first BioShock is stealth-oriented, much less the rest of the series. There are some areas where it benefits you to be stealthy, but the game can easily be played going head-on into most enemies with good plasmid use. I’d argue it’s more fun that way, too.
I’ve started playing it again, and I now realize that. I just remembered it fondly as a very tactical, lean-back shooter. When I’m being expedient, the natural approach is to tag a splicer and then retreat toward my hacked turrets. Deathloop is the opposite. It’s billed as a stealth game, yet I find it easier to maintain a lean-back playstyle in Doom 2016.
They are all decent, and fun to play if they’re your jam, some are more pay-to-win than others, like Star Trek Online. Some are a bit on the older side, like Guild Wars 1 being from 2005 though.
Greedfall comes to mind. It has many meaningful choices, interesting factions, multiple endings and some well written companions. The combat and running around around for quests can get repetitive or even tedious, but the story and the impact of your choices kept me playing all the way through.
I found a job that doesn’t ask me for 50 hours a week and they go to bed at a reasonable hour. But don’t ask me what I’m not spending enough time doing, like working out. Or how much we spend on takeout (way, WAY too much). And on top of that I have pretty great family support.
Basically, it’s hard even under ideal conditions with some less than great compromises.
I have twins that are just shy of 2. First, I play way more mobile gaming. The ability to play only a few minutes at a time makes a huge difference, so multiplayer games are largely out.
When not mobile gaming, Xbox’s instant resume is a godsend. I’ve made it through the entire Yakuza series playing in small chunks and instantly resuming when I can.
Joining the parent club in about 3 months, but in preparation, I’ve purchased a “Couchmaster lapboard” and I cannot recommend it enough. Having shoulder support basically makes it feel like you’re sitting at your desk but comfortably on the couch. The only issue is the couch itself; if it has a lot of bounce you’re gonna have a wobbly desk any time someone sits / stands up from the couch.
Btw I’ve since found you can pretty much just buy some upholstery foam, cut it, put a plank over it and have your very own “Couchmaster” for roughly $20 instead of $200…
It’s one of those “season of your life” kind of things. There’s just a certain period of time where the family takes priority because of what the kids need. Just like everything else related to kids, at some point it will change and your time management will as well. They will become more independent, and you’ll have more time, but you may even find that your interest in gaming has changed.
Games will always be there, but your kids are only kids for a very short amount of time. Treasure it while you can!