I watch a fair amount of series, but I’m not a data hoarder. I see the value in 2GB episodes, but I watch most series on my laptop, my simple 1920x1080 tv or even my phone where that value doesn’t make a difference. If I want to have a theater experience, I’ll go to the theater....
Decyzja o ograniczeniu eksportu dwóch metali ziem rzadkich to problem dla Unii Europejskiej, której zielona transformacja ma opierać się właśnie na tych pierwiastkach
Hi! I wanted to start to hoard my favorite tracks in the best possible quality. A lot of stuff is available through Deezer or Tidal i know, but what sources are you guys using when FLACs for particular albums or songs cannot be found on Deezer or Tidal? I wanted to get the Rock n Roll Train song from ACDC in FLAC, but Tidal...
Honestly, I’ve been really enjoying making these, probably the most I’ve been excited to model something for months. So I exchanged some sleep for a faster turnaround :) Previous post here...