[Eric Berger] Europe has the worst imaginable idea to counter SpaceX’s launch dominance (arstechnica.com) angielski
It is difficult to see Airbus and some of the other large, institutional space companies in Europe banding together and becoming nimble and more efficient operators in spaceflight. That would require enormous changes in companies that have decades of ossified culture, with layers of management that are difficult to cut through.
Earth Detecting Earth (SETI) (www.seti.org) angielski
Esport w obliczu zmian - czy branża zmierza w dobrym kierunku? (gry.interia.pl)
Analitycy rynkowi informują, że branża esportowa wciąż rośnie i do 2029 roku jej wartość osiągnie 5,17 miliarda dolarów. Jednak z perspektywy obserwatora sceny Counter-Strike 2, League of Legends, Starcrafta 2 czy nawet Overwatcha można odnieść wrażenie, że wszystko to zaczyna zmierzać w dość dziwnym kierunku,...
Online Quran Academy - Quran Academy for Kids, Adult in UK, Australia, USA (onlinequranacademy.uk) angielski
Online Quran Academy UK leading Online Quran Academy in UK, provide online Quran courses through online Quran classes on skype. We offer online Quran courses in UK, Australia, USA, Dubai.