Ars has previously written admiringly of Pettit’s work, but his latest image deserves additional mention. When I first saw it, I was dazzled by its beauty. But when I looked further into the image, there were just so many amazing details to be found....
#montreal4riseup is a project of 20 songs, released (or not) between 2020 and 2024, that span a large range of genres including rap, industrial, folk, rock, noise, punk, post-punk, anarcho-punk, hardcore, oi, crust, grind, and more....
Chiny niespodziewanie budują flotę specjalnych barek przystosowanych do lądowania na Tajwanie. W stoczni w Guangzhou zaobserwowano co najmniej 3, a prawdopodobnie ponad 5 jednostek z długimi mostami drogowymi na dziobach, idealnych do desantów na wyspy tajwańskie – podaje Naval News....