WarmSoda, do piracy w What's the history behind cam rips of movies and where have they typically came from?

Well you see, when a pirate and a camcorder love each other very much, they go to a movie theater…

Rocketpoweredgorilla, avatar

̶B̶o̶w̶ ̶c̶h̶i̶c̶k̶a̶ ̶w̶o̶w̶ ̶w̶o̶w̶ Bow chicka record now.

brickfrog, do piracy w Reuploading from usenet to open torrent trackers

You can though it’s a bit of a roundabout way of doing it.

P2P releases typically come from private trackers, so you’re having them go from private trackers --> usenet --> public/private torrents

Scene releases that leak to the public typically hit private trackers/usenet around the same time, so you’re having those go scene --> private trackers/usenet --> public/private torrents

In others words anything you’re seeing in usenet has already been uploaded to at least some private trackers & possibly public torrents.

Of course with public torrents anything goes, unfortunately with the demise of RARBG public torrent users are only seeing a fraction of scene/p2p releases. 1337x/TorrentGalaxy does cover some of this but they aren’t covering nearly as much as the RARBG uploaders used to. So IMO if you’re seeing a scene/p2p release that hasn’t already been uploaded at 1337x/TorrentGalaxy then sure go ahead & create the torrent from your usenet download.

Okalaydokalay, do piracy w What's the history behind cam rips of movies and where have they typically came from?

Back in the day, and probably even now, as I used to encounter them when I lived in the big city, cam copies were famous on the streets. It was the only way to get a bootleg copy while the movie was still in theatres but you didn’t want to go for whatever reason.

When I lived in the big city, in a not so great area, the guys used to be in the grocery store parking lot or barbers or smoke shops selling the DVDs and before that were selling VHS copies.

And then when LimeWire grew in popularity, people would upload those like they would any retail DVD. And then went on to torrents as those grew in popularity.

And it still continues today for similar reasons. People want the fame that comes with uploading the first copy online or the first decent quality.

BandoCalrissian, do games w Does there exist a factory game or zachlike that's like this?:

I think Satisfactory hits a few of these targets, if you haven’t already tried it. The amount of resources is determined by a map that is not procedurally generated, so there is a hard cap to your resources per minute, though the resources never run out. So end game focuses more on playing efficiently rather than brute expansion.

atomicpeach, do games w Does there exist a factory game or zachlike that's like this?: avatar

It’s a mobile game, but Sandship kinda checks all those boxes.


When I launch it on my phone, it’s just a black screen.


Seems interesting shame there’s no paid bon freemium version, though.

luthis, do piracy w What's the history behind cam rips of movies and where have they typically came from?

Some family friends brought back cam rips from Egypt of several Disney movies, Beauty and the beast, Aladdin, and a couple others.

They had strange ads for burgers in Arabic, and the cam was really low quality.

We didn’t really know any better being kids, so I always thought that Beauty and the Beast was a dark, terrifying, grainy, nightmarish movie.

Having seen the real version, I have to say the shitty cam copy stuck better in my mind.

Anyways, sorry I can’t answer any of your questions OP.


That reminded of the shitty cam print of Iron Man 1. Started from the Humvee scene a minute before getting blown off. 20-30% was dark or pointed at floor for whatever reason. Godawful audio.

Thought it was a shitty movie halfway though and stopped. Got a good print after Iron man 2 released and faithfully watched all marvel release, many in cinemas, till Infinity war. Now its all available on Disney+ and I won’t watch the new ones after it.

wonderfulvoltaire, do games w PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm? avatar

One Finger Death Punch

Alteon, do games w Does there exist a factory game or zachlike that's like this?:

Maybe Techtonica? It just came out on Gamepass. It’s like Satisfactory but in a cave and you can’t just build anywhere… honestly, it’s just another factory game though.

You play Dyson Sphere Program yet? It’ll scratch a lot of itches. Riftbreaker was pretty fun as well. A little meh at the higher levels though.


Would Riftbreaker Prologue give a good idea of the gameplay of Riftbreaker?


Yeah, I believe so. Looks pretty much the same.

cholesterol, do games w Does there exist a factory game or zachlike that's like this?:

Factorio but I can’t expand infinitely

This can be done with an island map. You can download an infinite resources mod so your patches never run out.

abbadon420, do piracy w Reuploading from usenet to open torrent trackers

It’s probably fine, but some usenet trackers/provider explicitly state that you cannot do that. So check if it’s mentioned in the “user agreement”

ancoraunamoka, do piracy w Reuploading from usenet to open torrent trackers

As another commenter said, please do it.

FlowerDeepSeaFish, do games w PC Game Recommendation for a Broken Arm?

Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon can be played with only a mouse and you don’t need any reaction, maybe when you configure the overlay in the settings for the games it’s then playable with only the keybord. Maybe you can also play Dredge in the passive mode with only one hand and only keybord I havent tried it out with this restriction

princessnorah, do piracy w What's the history behind cam rips of movies and where have they typically came from? avatar

I don’t think I’ve seen anyone in this thread mention Telecines at all. It’s a machine that captures the video and audio from the film print directly to digital. A lot of good Cam rips were filmed from the projection booth, and could conceivably be done by a projectionist surreptitiously. Telecines though, required a large piece of equipment and time with a print outside of hours. Likely you’d need to be a manager or owner to get away with it, or have their blessing.

I remember the excitement of finding a Telecine for a movie in theatres rather than a Cam. It felt like striking gold. I bet the people releasing those in scene groups would be treated like gods back then.

princessnorah, avatar

Also, Telesyncs, which would be labelled TS, is when you have that high quality cam recording and sync it to a direct recording of the audio. The audio often came from the FM microbroadcast that are designed for hearing-aid users. Dolby Digital is an image of a digital signal (basically a QR code) that is between the cog-wheel holes on one side. Good Telecine machines are able to record the full surround track from this. That used to be the absolute best you could get while something was still in theatres. Often better than award copies, they had no stupid watermarks.

Mcduckdeluxe, do games w Does there exist a factory game or zachlike that's like this?:

Check out SpaceChem, matches most of your bullet points. It’s a level-based puzzle game like Opus Magnum though.


I second this, it’s what OP is asking for. Word of warning though: this game is hard as hell. It reached a point where I’d spend 2 hours on a level, realize I messed up and can’t salvage this, and gave up. I never got really far.


I’ve played it two or three times, each time making it a bit farther. I think I made it about halfway at best.


I thought SpaceChem uses the same mechanic as Opus Magnum where the benefit of optimization is just the player’s place on the histogram. I’m looking for more interaction between machines than that.

makemoshnotwar, do zapytajszmer w Gdzie kupować ubrania, żeby nie pochodziły one z "sweatshopów", czyli żeby pracownicy godnie zarabiali, i produkcja nie opierała się na wyzysku? avatar

trudny temat, bo produkcja lokalna jest zdecydowanie droższa, więc ciężko żeby te ciuchy były za “normalne” pieniądze. mógłbyś też zdefiniować co to dla ciebie oznacza, czyli np ile byś chciał dać za koszulkę (zazwyczaj to koszt 80-90-100zł)

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Problem z kupowaniem w lumpeksach jest taki, że jest tam zdecydowanie mniej ciuchow tzw. męskich, trudniej znaleźć coś pasującego


Mnie w lumpach martwi, że zwykle stan ciuchów tam jest bardzo kiepski. Często wyglądają gorzej niż moje noszone po 5-10 lat…

makemoshnotwar, avatar

zależy w których, no ale ja mówię z perspektywy wawy, gdzie mam upatrzoną sieć lumpów, która robi jakąś tam selekcję

Pajonk, avatar

Dzięki za odpowiedź. 100 zł za koszulkę to nie jakiś dramat o ile oczywiście nie jest szyta w biednym kraju a pracownik zarabia więcej niż parę dolarów tygodniowo.

Przeglądałem jakiś czas temu niektóre sklepy z tym całym fair trade, i trzeba przyznać że niektórzy mają ogromną fantazję jeśli chodzi o ceny. Dlatego szukam czegoś, gdzie bluza nie będzie kosztowała 400-600 zł.

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