my husband and I are playing Diablo 4 still. we made our third each character a few days ago and are enjoying the seasonal content. my best friend and I are currently doing her first playthrough of all the kingdom hearts games. it was my first time beating KH1 myself. i finally made it to a world in kingdom hearts 2 after the endless Roxas prologue. we only get a couple hours every weekend, but it’s been really fun. and in between on my own I’m playing pikmin 4.
Crank the difficulty and play as a samurai instead of a ninja. Just straight rush every enemy you see. You’ll still probably have problems trying to complete all the assorted landmarks on the map, but the combat is way more fun when you and everyone around you die in 1-2 hits and you’re constantly swapping stances to stay alive.
Honestly, I wouldn’t do a replay, if I were you. I would just get the expansion pack and play that. If you’re really itching for a replay, you can do New Game Plus and at least earn New cosmetics instead of unlocking the same ones again.
Ahhh ok. I’m using a controller at the moment for accessibility reasons, but I’ll definitely look into doing that when I can again! Maybe it’ll show if I just idle a couple seconds over the selection
Right on 🤙🏻 I figured there had to be with how accessible the controller options truly are - I haven’t been able to check since my initial response. I should get to relatively soon though! Option on the controller is: select --> enable help tools
Really none. The game walks you through rolls and what each thing does.
Having a little knowledge of how D&D works only serves to make the leveling up process go quicker since you have ideas on how to allocate stats or what specialties you take without reading through everything.
Yeah I think OP is looking at this from the wrong way. As opposed to a normal game you’ve never played before in which you have to learn the mechanics completely from scratch, with BG3, if you have any knowledge of 5e, you’ll be able to pick it up easier.
Minecraft. I go through phases of not playing it, but once or twice a year I’ll start up a new world and just mindlessly build and mine while listening to a podcast or an audiobook, and will play every night for several weeks. I’ve started so many minecraft worlds over the years that I really don’t need to think about what to do next
As somebody with no knowledge of 5e but some knowledge of 3.5e, it’s been pretty user-friendly. The game goes out of its way to make mechanics pretty easy to grasp. Tooltips can be brought up to and you can go further with any highlighted words in the spell/ability tooltip, so you can look up what “Prone” is when you’re look at the “Trip Attack” tooltip, as an example.
The only knock I have so far is that it doesn’t outline class progression at all, especially since the game apparently does deviate from tabletop rules at times, but that’s more of a QoL thing than anything else.
In my opinion, It helps to know the rock bottom basics (like why is this d20 being rolled all the time and what the stats are) but it’s certainly not a necessity.
There is a considerable amount of depth to the game, but it’s not insurmountable for anyone. You’ll have no problem going through the game if you read through tool tips and help pop-ups as they arise. DnD knowledge needed is none at all or negligible at best.
My partner is very tuned into the various ethical mishaps happening in the world and keeps me apprised of which companies are doing shitty stuff and which people/companies I should stop supporting.
Problem: the set of companies you shouldn’t support due to unethical behavior is pretty much all of them. As the saying goes, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. If doing business with someone with blood on their hands puts blood on your hands, then only the hands of hermits and children are clean.
This is one of the reasons why I use free and open source software wherever possible, but very few games are FOSS and most of them were commercial before being FOSSified (e.g. Doom).