I played for a few hours last night and, so far, I feel exactly the same. I'm going to try to barrel through the main narrative for a bit, which is supposed to "open up" the game a lot more - but the game systems and UI themselves are a major part of what is killing it for me. That, and the fact that the game so far seems to be little more than a mediocre FPS.
I mean, yeah, if you aren't into the core elements of a game you probably won't be interested in the game. It's like say, "I'm not impressed with the new Mario game. I don't want to do platforming, and I don't care about powerups or collecting things."
A surprising percentage of gamers seem to think that any new AAA title game is catered to them and rather than understand it was made for other people, they complain about how bad it is.
Don’t get me wrong. I’d love to play it too, but from stream gameplay and reviews it’s definitely NOT game worth 10/10. Is it a good game? Yes. But is it the most epic game of the decade? Definitely not.
The gunplay looks pretty fun to me. That’s the most important part for me, if the actual combat isn’t fun, then that’s a different story, but it looks pretty cool. Cool enough for me to try it out on gamepass.
I'm the type of guy who hates New Vegas because it felt awful to shoot things (and that's why I'm still addicted to Destiny). Aiming's a bit weird, and shotguns don't have too much impact, but other than that, it's not the worst shooter I've played. I'll probably stick with it.
Oh, god how do they make it feel so good in Destiny 2. Unbelievable gunplay. Pity about the FOMO mechanics, I stopped playing when the brought in the battlepass, that shit just isn’t for me.
I was surprised by how much a gun’s handling can change based on mods and stuff. Like, I have two SMGs of the same type. One feels like this pinpoint accurate, low recoil special-ops stealth gun, the other one kicks like a mule and sprays lead at basically everything vaguely in front of me.
Also I can have a 1911 and VSS in space, so that’s fun.
I would say it is. The shooting is hands down best Bethesda combat, clear enhancements over Fallout 4. And I haven’t really been into too many fights yet. Having been to Mars I can start to see how the environments really change up the combat
Watched the Digital Foundry video and was really impressed on the fact it is so segmented. I thought it was aiming to be like No Man’s Sky but I guess I might have misheard at some point
And it has VR too! I think NMS and having actual Daggerfall doesn’t leave me any room to particularly care about Starfield. I don’t get the hype at all.
The NMS gameplay is really only a tiny part of Starfield. It’s an RPG. Like, an actual, proper RPG, with tons of actual quests. If you were only interested in the NMS part, flying from planet to planet to scan wildlife and gather resources, sure, you don’t need Starfield, NMS will do ya just fine, but there is a fuckton more to the game than that.
But Skyrim is beautiful even with its older graphics and has an interesting world to explore. Grey space metal structures on grey planets just aren’t interesting. Also even more so if the story starts with “you touched a weird rock”, don’t know why but here have my spaceship.
In Skyrim you’re waking up going to be executed next moment there’s a dragon attack.
Right? There was this one guy on Lemmy the other day expecting the game to be like Freelancer… Like, dude, it’s Fallout with a space suit, we’ve known that for years now. I feel like gamers always have the most stupid and unrealistic expectations imaginable.
Yeah, also getting strong “not for me”-vibes. Looks like a less grimey Fallout in space. Graphics seem to be far less amazing as I imagined from trailers.
Edit: Buuut I think lots of people will have fun with this and that’s cool!
Personally I’m excited to see what the mod landscape is going to look like in a year. As with most Bethesda games, I couldn’t care much less about the game itself outside of that key feature.
honestly i think they’re pretty equal, but if all the best surfers in the world are adamant that source is better, than i’ll listen to their opinion lol. CSGO has some great plugins that aren’t available on source, source is still the surf king though
They would be identical, assuming they are both actually modified to allow for the proper airspeed, since they are still both in the Source engine. You couldn’t surf in either with the default movement settings.
Lol, I forget that’s a thing. Tried it a couple of times but didn’t really get the appeal after a while. So random, you think Valve ever thought people would be playing CS:S like that 20 years later?
Not the epic space saga similar to Mass effect Trilogy I was hoping for but not a bad game either. Exploration is fun enough, base building is good, ship combat also felt nice.Quests are a mixed bag, some feel really dated and mundane. Performance is pretty bad i.e the game is very demanding. Struggles to maintain a steady native 60fps on the 3060ti at 1440p even on low or medium settings. Maybe patches will make a difference. Honestly this feels like something I would pick up during a sale or play on game pass, not worth the full price for me at least.
Ooh, that was the thing I was really curious about – too many “space” games are just conventional FPS games set on various alien worlds and space stations, with only minimal nods to interplanetary vehicles.