Be careful, subtitles on Chromecast seem to get progressively more and more out of sync until it is about 3 seconds out of sync if they are not embedded in the media. + FreeRapid Downloader. The baseline speed of around 1.2 GB/h is enough for 720p and some 1080p movies which FreeRapid Downloader allows me to “stream” if I enable opening unfinished files. I can get a film running on my Linux HTPC (old laptop) <3 minutes after my family agrees on one (the hardest part). Our TV is rather small and 768p so resolution is not a concern but I sit close and like to enjoy at least 576p DVD quality.
I have qBittorrent installed but I am in no private trackers (yet). I would especially welcome one that has German dubs because original & Czech ones are easy.
Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Play the game on story mode and enjoy it. That trilogy has the best characters and some of the best quest storylines in the industry in my opinion.
Currently playing a lot of Minecraft with my daughter and her boyfriend. Have set up a server so we can pop in and out when we want to. Having a blast.
Also playing started playing sea of stars. Beautiful game and excited where it will go.
And there is always time to play another round of enter the gungeon!
For a game that’s a full comedy romp, West of Loathing consistently ruined me with laughter. The spittoon descriptions are probably the most derangedly funny writing ever put into the world. I’ve got to remember to play the sequel one of these days. Its also extremely mechanically satisfying, with several enticing roleplaying moments (as well as the occasional dramatic or scary moment that hits just as well as the comedy)
For a game that’s not explicitly only comedy but still hits strong marks, Yakuza 0 is a full meal. While most Yak games are fairly wacky when it comes to sidequesting (1 being perphaps the single exception, as the beginning of the series was quite dry), 0 feels like the one where they really hit their stride. There’s so many flat out ridiculous moments (you’ve most likely seen the chicken, and that’s just one of many) that you even forget this is also a heavily dramatic story and a full blown action beat’em up.
If you liked that it’s based on a browser game called Kingdom of Loathing, the gameplay is not as tight or refined but there’s plenty to do and it’s pretty enjoyable to play when you have some time to kill on a work pc lol.
Yes, but easier and, imo, more “dynamic”. I’m having a ton of fun in combat sections and usually they bore me to death. I mad a character with high strength who fight unarmed, and then installed a cyberwar-razor-hands thing and it’s SO good and fun to play with it.
The only downside is that the game(s) are packed with content, but the campaign is very short which annoys me to no end
A plain 6800 should be pretty decent for 1080p60, unless you absolutely must have ultra settings. There are guides on what graphics settings are worth the performance hit, if you follow them you can get nearly identical visuals with a nice bump in FPS.
But I agree as far as the 6750 and 6700 XT, they’re already struggling a bit with Starfield, and it’s not going to improve going forward.
Thanks for all these considerations. I’m still undecided, but a whole rush of stuff came in, so I’m going to have to wait for the upgrade/replacement for at least a couple months…I’ll see what the market looks like in a bit.
I likely would have enjoyed it far more without the automated adjusted difficulty, which mostly just ended up being that the game recognized I had too much ammo on me, so zombies took more shots to go down. It was quite noticeable. Unlike Resident Evil 3 that followed it, the adjusted difficulty would only subtract things from you rather than give you things when you needed them, which made me dislike it more. I searched for mods that would remove this part of the game, scrolling past a handful of mods to enhance the wet t-shirt effect on Claire, but I couldn't find any mods that would solve this problem for me at the time. I did enjoy it plenty despite this though.
Holy crap…. is THAT what was happening?!
I wondered why the damned things would never die.
I liked both RE2/3 (also loved the originals) but wasn’t as blown away as OP was.
Perhaps it came down to the difficulty issue you note and the fact that I’ve played / beaten every RE in existence.
Yes it's possible. Their version of Google Drive (Pan Baidu) is basically a paradise for piracy. But it's a bit of a pain in the ass for foreigners to get access. And obviously everything is in Chinese.
China doesn't care about foreign held copyright. So anything that isn't owned by a Chinese company is fair game. As long as it isn't considered banned material of course.
Watching foreign movies is illegal north korea. They might not care about the right holders, but they certainly care about not letting their citizen watch foreign movies.
BaiduYun's a paradise to host pirated content but not to download. The free tier fucking limits you to double digit KBs per second and the Chinese government will arrest you if you create a script that simply uses aria2 to circumvent that (contrary to many of these Chinese arrest rumors this actually happened).
Working fine on my end - sounds like ISP filtering or possibly a firewall setting. With an ad blocker to handle popups, you could also try g o k u dot s x - not quite the same server collection, but you might find what you're looking for.
I think your idea sounds neat! Have you ever played any Zachtronics games? Those games have kind of a “programmer” logic to them, and might be useful to you in getting ideas on how to dress up programming concepts as game mechanics. I could see Zachtronics fans really digging your game idea. One of their games, Exapunks, is literally about being hacker and doing actual (simplified) programming to beat levels. Another called Opus Magnum dresses up the concept as a “transmutation machine” that you must program to create alchemical creations.
Zachtronics games are on another level, really. I think what sets them apart from “edutainment” games is that they’re not really made for someone to learn programming, they’re a labor of love for people who love to program. And as a result, they just happen to be the most attractive resource to learn programming that I’ve ever seen.
I think that’s a good lesson that all games that want to be educational should take away: don’t feel the need to force material down the player’s throat, instead make a game for someone who loves the subject matter, and the rest will take care of itself.