Hey crew! I often run into the issue that I can’t find usenet entries for reasonably mainstream stuff. Example: “and just like that”, a quite recent, mainstream-ish tv series. Second season is super available (dropped this year), first one has massive health problems and a lot of missing episodes. The first season is from...
See topic. I want to use them with a Garmin handheld device. I can do transformations from, e.g., OpenStreetMap myself (with some instruction).
Planuję zabrać głos w dwóch blokach tematycznych: cyfrowe państwo i otwarte dane oraz cyberbezpieczeństwo. Oba teksty, które planuję wygłosić w kuluarach tych konsultacji mam w miarę doszlifowane, ale co jeszcze chcielibyście, żebym powiedział w Waszym imieniu? Planuję użyć danych o skryptach śledzących...
Niedawno ściągnąłem na androida aplikacje Element (która, jak rozumiem, jest na protokole Matrixa, czy coś takiego - tego nie rozumiem xD)....
Big bang is being refuted by:...
Both feature a cinematic style story, a focus on their vehicle and upgrading that vehicle, both are apocalypse games, and both were kinda forgotten
Anybody know of a good source for video game OSTs ?
Relatively new to this but, I finally got my media server up and working! I want to improve the success of the search function though. Is there a way to know if content is on usenet but my indexer is not good enough? I would rather steer clear of torrenting for now. How do I go about finding good indexer?
Welcome everyone! Time for the return to flight of Vega-C, following the Zefiro 40 upper stage failure on the previous launch two years ago....
Miałem akurat upiornie przeładowany dzień i wróciłem, żeby zastać szmer wypełniony relacjami z dnia i nadrabiam w wiadomości w połowie po nagłówkach a połowie memach. Spodziewałem się, że rozegrają to jakoś sprawniej, ale wygląda, że idą raczej szybkimi i mocnymi cięciami. Jestem ciekaw jak wasze wrażenia...
Są jakieś ukryte opłaty? Polecacie?
I’m considering using RD, but before sign-in up and paying for it, I would like to know if is there a way or a guide on how to get tools like radarr to automatically use RD for downloads instead of using VPNs and seedboxes/torrentboxes....
Hi, I was thinking if there is a gaming mouse that vibrates, like a controller does. One of the things I like the most about gaming with a controller is that. IDK, would be cool to have it in a mouse.
I am interested in how pirates on the internet (which i am not) would get there hands on the files to a game, just, for example, Baldur’s Gate 3, without torrenting? Now, I have heard tell of a place where these nefarious no-gooders would do this, for example gog-games.to. But, once they have acquired the file, what steps to...
id prefer that sky channels are included
With the Trove being long dead, and the last torrent not really being updated anymore, I was wondering what alternatives are out there....
Is this even still a thing? It seems to be pretty well dead. Poe-API shat the bed, GPT4FREE got shut down and it’s replacement seems to be pretty much non-functional, Proxies are a weird secret club thing (despite being nearly totally based on scraped corporate keys), etc.
After rarbg was taken down, most trackers I have been using aren’t working for me. I use qbittorrent plugins and if I start a torrent that supposedly has hundreds or thousands of seeders, the downloads never receive data....
Is it even possible? Another question, Why does my school even use software from 3 years ago?
Welcome everyone! The final flight of Vega has arrived....
Niemal przypadkiem natknąłem się na Shadow Drive. Strona twierdziła (EN), że projekt dopiero w przygotowaniu, ale obejrzałem wywiad, w którym Frank Karlitschek - czyli założyciel Nextcloud - mówił o uruchomieniu projektu we współpracy niemiecko-francuskiej, i pomyślałem, że geoip mnie od tego dysku sieciowego...