Hello my fellow pirates I have a question for all. Is there a way to remove pop up ads from my mobile game ? They have been getting really annoying lately and wanted to know if there is a way to remove them. Thank you all for taking the time to comment.
Hello, I am new here and am wondering where and how to learn and get into private torrent trackers?
Mateys! We have plundered the shores of tv shows and movies as these corporations flounder in stopping us seed and spread their files without regard for the flag of copyright. We have long plundered the shores of gaming and broke DRM that have been plaguing modern games, and allowing accessibility to games in countries where a...
Polecam radar. Jeśli faktycznie przeszkadza nam wszechobecna władza bigtechow pokroju FB czy X, to samym narzekaniem nic nie zmieni....
I remember using it a lot a few years ago in the early 2000s and I wonder if that’s still used…?...
Anyone know if anything like this?
Czy korzystacie z serwisów typu spotify lub tidal, czy słuchacie muzyki pod dumnie powiewającą piracką flagą. Co sprawiło że podjęliście taką decyzję i jak wam się z nią żyje?
Basically I want to download a serie in a specific language and absolutely nowhere I can find it and recently I saw that the serie is available in the language I want in The Pirate’s Bay but I know the bad reputation of the site and I have never used it....
I was thinking about playing High on Life shortly after the release but I’ve seen a few reviews that depict the game (or maybe just the jokes) as so-so....
I’m super lazy and can’t be bothered manually converting each one, is there any good tools/sites I can use to convert the whole playlist? I used to use youtube-DLG but it seems to have stopped working.
Jakich platform używacie do komunikowania się? Signal, Telegram, Matrix, a może coś innego?
I’m looking for recommendations for a backpack that will be used for commuting to work. What I’m looking for would have one large compartment that I could put a shirt and a pair of pants in, a Bluetooth speaker, a large Contigo water bottle and maybe some miscellaneous stuff. I don’t want a hundred pockets and compartments...
I’m looking for a YR-DLP GUI for just music, or a good way to access music in general. I had a lidarr-on-steroids instance running but it kept disconnecting from deezer and i’d love to get that back up and running but it looks like it’s not supported any more. Yt-dlp looks like a decent enough plan B, but i’m open to...
I am looking for for an app that registers as a YouTube endpoint, but has no ads and tracking (or backdoors). I had one (forgot the name) which stopped working. Please advice.
Finding that torrent sometimes don’t download at all despite seeders being present, so having to look around....
This site looks kinda weird. For one, it looks much more polished than any similar site I’ve seen so far. They have really good SEO as well, always popping up pretty high on Google. They have a massive selection of content....
This morning I read the article about Denuvo on Switch. What do fellow pirates think of this? Could it pave the way for that crap on other consoles as well? Is it time to become a datahearer? (⌐■_■)
Zauważyłem, szczególnie w polsce, negatywne nastawianie do libertarianizmu i pytanie dlaczego? Libertarianizm z zasady ma zapewniać wolność we wszelkich aspektach, gdzie lewica chce większą kontrolę i ograniczenia gospodarcze, a prawica postuluje kontrolę ideologiczną. Czy libertarianizm nie powinien być złotym...
Welcome everyone! It’s time for another new rocket!...
Jeżdżę sobie po mieście rowerem i nadzwyczaj często przebijam dętkę. Raz musiałem wymieniać 2 razy w tygodniu, teraz było parę miesięcy spokoju ale znowu przebicie. Głównie chodzi chyba o butelki rozbite na ścieżkach rowerowych. W każdym razie, czy opłaca się zainwestować w oponę i dętkę jakieś lepszej...
Does anyone know the best way to route traffic from transmission through Mullvad?...