The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour - do they deserve better? - Space Quest Historian (
just use ScummVM to play T7G and T11H
just use ScummVM to play T7G and T11H
Tu nagranie z koncertu
Launched on 19 December 2013, Gaia’s fuel tank is now approaching empty – it uses about a dozen grams of cold gas per day to keep it spinning with pinpoint precision. But this is far from the end of the mission.
Ot zagadka :D
Ars has previously written admiringly of Pettit’s work, but his latest image deserves additional mention. When I first saw it, I was dazzled by its beauty. But when I looked further into the image, there were just so many amazing details to be found....
Bloomberg: jedną z możliwych opcji jest wykupienie TikToka przez Muska
No i zajebiście hehe
Tymczasem turecka armia okupacyjna i jej najemnicy rozpoczynają ataki na wioski w pobliżu tamy Tishreen, podczas gdy siły Rady Wojskowej Manbidż i Jednostki Ochrony Kobiet stawiają opór atakom....
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