I want to be among those who deeply thoroughly understand & can accurately predict the path of future eclipses because this is amazing. (lemmy.world)

Chcę się zorientować czy jest sens prowadzić społeczność o tej tematyce c;
With the Milwaukee, you hold a button and flick your wrist to open/ close it. makes it easy to use with one hand. any knives with a regular blade that do this? thanks...
I just moved and I live literally window to a freight train line, unfortunately it scares the crap out of my cats and so I’m trying to find out what the schedule is so that I can close the windows for them, and maybe put a little raspberry pi display screen saying something like “next train arriving in…” Next to my...
Mam prawie puste konto na fejsie, imienne. Postanowiłem się pożalić po tym, jak zobaczyłem “śmierć wrogom ojczyzny” i totalny brak treści anarchistycznych czy lewicowych nawet mimo polubienia kilku stron anarchistycznych i braku polubień prawicowych czy jakichkolwiek innych politycznych....
Ridge Wallet with cards and some cash...
Was out with a bunch of fellow geologists, who all got a kick out of looking at Saturn and the moon. Was only taking pictures with my phone, and so didn’t get a good shot of Saturn, but thought this one of the moon was nice.
W mojej rodzinie jesteśmy dwuch rodziców i dwoje dzieci i mamy cztery różne paszporty.
Taka kmina
Hey everyone, just an update to my last post from Sunday night....
cross-postowane z: lemmit.online/post/4343511...
Czy ktosia z Was ma z tym praktyczne doświadczenia? Większość modeli wymaga więcej niż 12 GB na karcie grafiki, by generować tekst z modeli głosu. Czy ktosia działa na starszym sprzęcie?
I got this picture a few weeks ago coming home from my morning hike with my dogs....
I wear hayanwa “fast rope” bracelets every day, so I made them in different colors to coordinate with my outfits. These bracelets allow 6 yards of 95 Paracord to be quickly and easily deployed with a simple tug....
cross-postowane z: lemmit.online/post/4512796...
Według internetu:...
Having been forceably removed from the workforce I have been, as the godly call, blessed to become a Gentleman of Leisure. These are the indispensable tools of someone very hardily doing nothing that the capitalist class can find a way to make shilling from....