"Najgorętszy weekend roku". Przed nami tropikalne noce (wiadomosci.dziennik.pl)

Larry Hryb, an Xbox employee perhaps better known by his “Major Nelson” alias, is leaving Microsoft, he announced on Friday. Hryb has been a major face for many of Xbox’s marketing activities since the days of the original Xbox and Xbox Live online service, through the launch of the Xbox 360 and all of the years since.
According to Jez Corden, a journalist at Windows Central, Starcraft 3 is now in development. It’s not clear how reliable he is.
My main interest is the preservation of media history. To that end, I am looking for a good source of PS2 files so that I can catalog and archive them into a dedicated USB HDD. Then I’ll store the drive in the random nuclear fallout shelter the house I bought came with until the day the world needs a copy of ‘Little Britain:...
Zauważyłem, szczególnie w polsce, negatywne nastawianie do libertarianizmu i pytanie dlaczego? Libertarianizm z zasady ma zapewniać wolność we wszelkich aspektach, gdzie lewica chce większą kontrolę i ograniczenia gospodarcze, a prawica postuluje kontrolę ideologiczną. Czy libertarianizm nie powinien być złotym...
Note that this is UK regulation and has nothing to do with the FTC’s battle which is over in the US.