Darmowa komunikacja miejska w czasach wzrostu cen biletów to prawdziwa ulga dla portfela, a z tego przywileju skorzystać mogą polscy emeryci. Wystarczy, że spełnią tylko jeden warunek. Część z nich już jeździ za darmo, a niektórzy będą musieli na taką możliwość poczekać. Od czego to zależy? Wyjaśniamy....
Plastic producers have known for more than 30 years that recycling is not an economically or technically feasible plastic waste management solution. That has not stopped them from promoting it, according to a new report....
Railroad Workers United (RWU), a caucus of rank-and-file workers spanning all thirteen national rail unions, recently released a video offering one answer to the rotten state of US rail. “Putting America Back on Track: The Case for Public Rail Ownership” opens in East Palestine, with a resident of the area showing the viewer...
Many new concepts and ideas are introduced in the earliest chapters of the series, but a key part of the Dune universe is the Spacing Guild Navigators. In a universe that thrives on interstellar travel, this group holds a pretty important position. They don't usually take center stage, but their lore and history are as dense as...
Kbin seemed tio take a nice long sleep there. I almost assumed it had fallen over for good. I Really hate the generic, undated 'over the next few days we are working on servers' mesesage.