It’s one thing to put those into the blockchain and it’s a completely different challenge to have a software infrastructure which incorporates the tech end2end. Example - someone put a random image of someelse else’s ticket into the blockchain. The ticket checker needs to have a checker app on his phone which can verify this in real time. It’s trivial using centralized DBs.
No one has ever denied the math wasn’t cool. It’s just that the usecase (NFTs) were terrible. I guess the hype has now died down so we might see some actual uses, like land ownership information.
Bro, if you really want to fuck with Epic, keep downloading all their free games and not buying anything.
In their investor meeting, they will have to reveal that for every 100 people who download a game only 5 people pay for it. This will show they have poor customer conversation capacity. The investors will lose it.
Sony: Thanks for letting us know! The next FromSoft game will have zero modding support. Make sure to login using your PSN account. Remember, we love you!