There is also The Crew, Forza Motorsport, Forza Horizon as well as Gran Turismo to mention a few more that I have played. Plus a whole slew of hardcore F1 titles, Nascar titles and the Trackmania series.
There might be something in there that catches your attention. Could just be a case of these not surfacing in your algorithm to get noticed.
Interesting that when asked to bring a self founded viewpoint you return to the core conceit despite presenting counter arguments to the contrary in all prior responses.
Once again, what would prove to YOU that someone had a history or resume to be valid in a statement about prior experience in regards to new ventures?
Take the focus off this exact scenario and Bethesda Dev. Throughout the thread, there has been several other scenarios presented but none have hit home with you. What I’m asking is, what previous qualifications for a new role in an exact industry would be something you’d accept as proof of validity?
This isn’t meant to be confrontational, I’m legitimately curious. I see these sentiments a lot on the Internet and it leads to a flurry of downvotes without anyone asking the person receiving them what would be their desired outcome / goal.
So to frame it in that regards, would someone being a lead engine developer give more credence to a solo project? Being a project manager? Having a varied CV that showed growth across a company providing a base understanding of several different disciplines without a targeted focus on one? Or something as simple as “they worked on the questlines that I personal liked”?
Genuinely interested in what would make YOU happy or impressed by an announcement like this.
I am not sure if tfc (team fortress classic) still has servers running in any capacity, but it was one of the forefathers of role based, team shooters. It’s influence and by proxy TF2’s is still huge in competitive gaming.
The question is, does the responsibility fall on you to choose games that fit your skill level or the developer to compromise their vision to accomodate a broader audience? Would we take the same stance with other art? I find a lot of Foreign Arthouse Films to be slow paced and unenjoyable. Should the writers and directors be required to make an alternate cut to accomodate my preferences?
I get that for some users. In my case, 90% of what’s in the catalog that I’d be interested in I already own. I know this isn’t the standards, but it’s what happens when you’re an avid Steam Gamer with a Humble Sub and a collecting problem.
I joined Game pass to have Xbox live to play with my console buddies and for day one exclusive access. At this point, I’ve moved most of them on to PC and Xbox has done nada with my 5 or so years of subscription.