@Stillhart I was still waiting. One of the reasons is that I wanted to build a new computer (which happened last week) and waiting until the game got fixed a lot. Both happened. Now I am waiting for the launch of Phantom Liberty in a few days, as the base game will be dropped in price again. That's when I go into the game for the first time. And it will be the best version of the game so far.
Thank you everyone to lighten me up. Now I understand. While the newer version have all DLCs included, it requires the launcher now? The older version didn't use the launcher, when I understand the comment correctly. So when I play the game, I probably would play the oldest without DLCs, but also not relying on an additional EA launcher.
@Ashtear Exactly. The 100% rating is often misunderstood. It does not mean perfect game, plus every publication has their own standards. Therefore one 100% is not comparable to another 100%. And like in your example conversions from 4/4 to 100% (because it can only be 0%, 25%, 75% or 100%), is done so an overall Metacritic score can be calculated.
For the longest time I think Metacritic is a bad for the gaming industry, if they lean too much towards (in example bonuses for developers, if they reach a certain rating).
@OttoVonNoob I'm an oldschool Final Fantasy fan and the new FF16 looks not very interesting to me. The fights aren't what I want it to be and the players reported the game has a much higher playtime on watching cutscenes. I'm just not very hyped about the game, and disappointed in the direction the newer titles are going.
But that does not mean it's a bad thing. Game series change over time and not every game has to please me, such as going from FF6 to FF7 or to FF8, or the Zelda games several times. So don't see my reply as bashing, just saying that a longtime fan of the series is not interested into it.
@dom Yes, but that is specific "real" problems you actually experience, which have direct impact. But in the case of the Starfield screen, it's just a screen, that's it. People talk how good or bad the game might be, as the screen is indicative of the game quality. This is ridiculous! It's just a fucking screen and nothing else.
As said, if there was a lot of garbage, then you could criticize the garbage and extra advertisement and such. These are concrete problems, not imaginations what the game quality might be. That is different from the case you talk.
@realcaseyrollins Are all maps remasters of the original MW2 maps? This game really doesn't feel like a new game, but was originally planned as a Modern Warfare 2 Remake extension to add original maps. That they will include new maps in the future is another good reason to believe that. This shouldn't be a new standalone game for full price.
Maybe you mean Gamefaqs. Not all games have it obviously, but there is a saves category for some. Here Skyrim as an example. And to search for PC games: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc