For every success, there's 100s and more failures, scams, and unfulfilled promises. Developers should seek traditional funding if they're so confident in their idea. If I'm taking a financial risk on a developer, I should get a financial return if it succeeds. "Kickstarting" is a fancy way of saying "lets socialize losses and privatize profits".
Almost. Don't get me wrong, I FUCKING LOVE Stardew Valley, got 300+ hours in it, but Terraria was like $2 for ages and it's every bit as good and still getting updates as well
Maybe I'm just a cynic, but this seems very much part of the PR script for any controversy of the past 20 years or so.
Cause controversy
Get backlash
Say there were death threats in basklash
Paint opposition in bad light, claim to be the real victim and bask in all the feel good comments from people saying "it was controversial, but come on, death threats are not cool"
Conversation derailed, continue as planned
Seriously, go look at one of the comment threads on that other site. It's now all about how "deranged indie devs" are hurting honest hard working Unity employees. Maybe it was a real threat, maybe it wasn't, but they're sure as fuck going to milk it for all they can now.
Honestly I'm so lazy and deep into the ecosystem now if if it's not on Steam I just won't play it. There's too many things to play, and I don't care enough to bother with multiple launchers and accounts