I kinda get that they’ll do whatever than can to shut down an emulator for a console still selling and available on the shelves though. Not that there aren’t legitimate cases for it (homebrew software and games), but that’s not what Nintendo is concerned about.
But screw that for legacy consoles, game preservation is important too.
It’s technically still in early access, but damn I haven’t had that much fun with a boomer-shooter in a while. The level design is top-notch, the music slaps, and the AI is actually good at cornering you.
They’re working on the next two chapters, which you’ll get when they come out at no additional cost. Also, the OST is on Bandcamp.
The only time I will find acceptable the presence of an online service in a mostly single player game is when it complements it, and will still operate gracefully if disconnected.
Fuck these games that just stops working when they pull the plug on the servers.
Phantom Fury was listed but they decided not to publish on GOG mere days before release. They thankfully changed their mind a couple of days ago, a bit more than a month after the release.