“In the beginning, animated movies starring Chris Pratt were spaced by 24 weeks, then 12, then six, then every two weeks. The last one, with Garfield, was a week. In four days, we could be seeing new casting announcements every eight hours, until they’re coming every four minutes.”
Just getting back into gaming after eons. First up was Witcher 3… still working on it but damn glad I didn’t miss out on it. It’s been everything I had hoped for.
RDR2 is next. I started it. Not sure.
Stellaris was lauded on Reddit. Excellent game.
I have been wanting to play half life 2 since I first saw it but also never played the first. Am working thru that too. It’s been awesome.
X com UFO Defense is one I played but never finished. Tried to. Fuck that game lol
It feels similar to that old guy with all the classic cars rotting in the back 40 who refuses to sell at any sane price. Not analogous, exactly, but it’s the same feeling of frustration.