I don’t like a few of the changes they make to gameplay. In particular, I don’t like being able to build more than one structure at a time. I know RA2 started it, but I didn’t like it in RA2, either. Being able to build a power-hungry defensive structure and the power plant to run it at the same time takes out some of the strategy, in my opinion.
Not exactly. The marriage faction was kind of buggy on launch and Lydia was somehow both in the faction and not in the faction. Wiki says it was fixed in patch 1.5.24.
That trend of shoving crafting into literally everything for a while was really irritating. Even with the great big empty MMO world, Dragon Age Inquisition would have been much more fun if I didn’t spend a good half hour after every expedition looking through the giant mountain of crafting-based loot I inevitably acquired.
This reminds me, I wish Xbox kept the black and white buttons when they added the shoulder buttons. There have been several times I was playing a game and thought about how useful it would be to have two more face buttons.
Heart ripping mystics, the holy grail, and god exploding Nazis were all realistic enough for you, but aliens were a bridge too far?
It’s not about realism, it’s about consistency. Aliens in the fourth movie after religious mysticism in the first three is tonally and thematically inconsistent with the rest of the series unless you’re actually familiar with the century old pulp serials the movies are a throwback to.
For navigating a great big thing that benefits from two axis scrolling? Yes. For literally anything else a scroll wheel might be used for, like swapping weapons in games? No. The clickyness of the average scroll wheel is actually pretty useful and can’t really be applied to a trackball.
And as long as consoles remain cheaper than gaming systems. Sure, you can technically build a gaming computer for less than the cost of a PS5 or Series X, but the consoles will massively out-perform it.