Quantum Break is the Only Remedy game I have left to beat (Unless you want to count Death Rally lol). I have been putting it off for a while but I really should get to it soon
I remember doing the lost woods. OoT’s will always be my favorite but damn will I say that BoTw gives it a run for its money with the puzzle to solve it and atmosphere
Damn. I completely forgot Media Molecule did Dreams. I think Sumo Digital (the same studio that made LBP3) did Sackboy. Part of me wonders if they excluded the level editor to avoid seeming like this was meant to be a direct successor to LBP
I grew up playing 2 and there was this “GTA” level that me and my Sister would play the fuck out of. It wasn’t even anything special looking back on it I don’t think but it was so much fun
Yeah, i get that. I’ve been going through getting collectibles today and some of them take forever. I’m dreading getting all the chests. Idk why Ubisoft insists on adding so many every game
4 for me is probably carried a lot by the story for me. Though I do enjoy the Naval combat. If you like the Stealth i’d suggest Unity. It has by far the best refinement of the Stealth mechanics
I wouldn’t say there’s more of the campaign. Maybe in the story for the Online but there’s like 6 or so missions and that’s it.
The Legendary Bounties id say are maybe a bit closer to the story mode with getting a story of who you’re hunting and then they’ll have unique characters to them. Like there’s one where you fight this Cult Leader and he has a boss fight where he’s wearing Plate armor so you have to tire him out first. But the bounties are so far into the online mode I can’t say they’re worth investing the time.
It’s kind of disappointing to me too. I love doing the online activities but the lack of a full story makes me sad. Especially considering how they abandoned the game so we probably won’t ever get one
From what I’ve heard Mirage was a return to form for the franchise and id assume Shadows would keep with that, but the latest game I played was Valhalla and even then I didn’t beat it and I skipped over Odyssey so I’m not sure exactly how true to form Mirage is
I find them fun when they’re implemented in unique locations or the climb can be an experience. But they just kind of slap them in a lot so it becomes much more of a check box for me
Yeah. For me it was tolerable in the old games, because the story ranged from decent to pretty good so it could carry it.
But Valhalla’s story for me just wasn’t interesting so it felt like a Viking themed collectathon rather than Assassin’s creed. It just ended up highlighting my issues with it. All the chests and Animus Fragments are by far the worst ones with how many there are.
the launch definitely killed Unity’s success. Syndicate was still in a similar vane but i miss the outfit customization and the multiplayer. The online aspect brought a lot of fun to the game