Like it or not, horror gaming is often built on jump scares. Deriding a good cheap scare ignores the endorphin rush that draws so many players to the genre, in the same way that the “elevated horror” trend forfeits some of the soul of schlocky slasher flicks and ghost movies. Don’t get me wrong, Silent Hill and Alan Wake...
I remember playing this back in the day. I just replayed it, and even though I knew exactly where it was going to pop up, it still startled the s*** out of me, lol.
Adding one I don’t see mentioned yet, this is for the GBA:
Mega Man Battle Network - Unique and fun battle system: it’s part deck-builder, part action rpg. The world and exploration are fun, with varied dungeon design. The series is quite long and expands into the DS, but the first 2 are my favorites.
Extreme Boss Killer Belt: Public Notice of Challenge (
This info is for true gamers only. Cease reading immediately and go about your business if you are not 100% a true gamer....
You’ve probably played 2005’s most experimental horror game: Designed as pranks, early internet "screamers" were pioneers ( angielski
Like it or not, horror gaming is often built on jump scares. Deriding a good cheap scare ignores the endorphin rush that draws so many players to the genre, in the same way that the “elevated horror” trend forfeits some of the soul of schlocky slasher flicks and ghost movies. Don’t get me wrong, Silent Hill and Alan Wake...
favourite gameboy family games?
Looking for more games. Only requirements are following:...