Me too. Messing around with hardware is something that’s always stuck with me from when I was a teenager. If you give the PSVR thing a test mind messaging me or commenting so I can hear how it goes?
I would have linked an article. I haven’t experimented with it myself but it seems like there’s one paid project available through Steam that aims to support the PSVR
VR headsets and games with anti-cheat software still have issues. I haven’t been able to get Oculus Rift S to work for example.
I think some headsets like the ones made by Valve and HTC work better though. I’m not sure if there’s currently the same degree of rapid advancements for VR Linux gaming as there are for gaming in general on Linux. I know OpenHMD exists but I haven’t tried it out myself.
Even so it made it significantly harder for people to make the dated throwaway comment that you’ll lose access to a majority of your games by switching to Linux.
With that I feel like people will see it’s just as usable as MacOS and Windows in a majority of circumstances.
For Windows I’ve used Game Save Manger for years, since it’ll auto find save locations that you want to select to be backed up.
On Linux you could use a program like Timeshift and specify the general directory your save files are located in and have them backed up on a schedule as well.
As for saves. I’ve had some luck finding them from nexusmods and sometimes steam message boards or guides.
That sounds like what I’m going to end up doing. I wasn’t sure if there was a general well known hub for save files I was unaware of.