Diablo 4. I've been trying to push to get the season objectives done. Right now it's basically sitting around and waiting for the world bosses to show up every six or so hours.
In the meantime I've been running around in the remastered version of Quake. I'm kinda bummed id Software didn't also remaster Scourge of Armagon or Dissolution of Eternity. Still gotta use GZDoom to properly play those.
The Darkness was pretty decent with tutorials, except for one particular part that involved moving a giant bell out of the way. A friend of mine who was watching me play at the time finally ended up telling me how to do it, because up to that point in the game - and this is a pretty far part into it, not like towards the beginning where tutorials usually happen - this mechanic was never mentioned or used at all. Even in the sequence of moving the bell (I assume to learn the skill??? idk), there are no prompts given to tell you how. It was the only frustrating part for me in an otherwise really cool and fun game.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines tutorial was a good 30 minutes for me the first time I played it. Luckily they give you an option to skip it in subsequent playthroughs, but it covers pretty much everything you need to know for gameplay imo.
I am so glad I read this, because I've been thinking about trying out Diablo 2 lol. Looks like when I finally get around to it, I'll be doing a lot of research.
That definitely sounds like something I should look into, especially since I play on PC as well. Also sounds good for a couple older Xbox games I love that never got ported to PC. Thanks for the suggestion!
Man, I knew this day would come, but I hate now that it actually has a date. My 360 is still going strong, and I'm dreading the day it gives out. Yeah, I could just move everything over to my Xbox One, but I'm not even sure all the 360 games I own are backwards compatible.
I don't quite remember how I played Metro 2033, but I do know that I played so much with Metro Last Light to get that stupid 'kill no humans' achievement that whenever I play it now I can practically zoom through most areas with stealth. Same way with Dishonored. Both great games, I love revisiting them from time to time.