User accidentally opens Uplay when trying to double-click Steam
A store banner ad shows ‘Skull and Bones’
User immediately frowns in disgust and tries to spam the X button to quit Uplay
Uplay privacy-invading telemetry captures an image of the user frowning via the webcam, and tracks the movement of the mouse cursor moving across the banner ad of ‘Skull and Bones’
Uplay closes, telemetry is uploaded to Ubisoft’s servers
Sales of God of War on GOG might influence Ragnarok to come. It’d be great if Ragnarok gets ported to both Steam and GOG on release. I think Sony is very supportive, as I vaguely recall their only IP that didn’t do so well on PC was Sackboy, and it was because it didn’t hit their expected targets.
Darn, that’s what kept me from playing this game was the hope that it would go free to play by end of 2023 according to Gameloft’s early promise. I enjoyed it on Game Pass for a trial period.
If they keep free expansion content flowing, it may be worth dropping $30 USD for the base game to play it. However this is an online only game and I suspect it’ll get shuttered over the next few years if they can’t keep good content flowing.
Such a shame. My interest in this game has almost plummeted to zero now. I’ll keep an eye on it and see how it does while watching their roadmap, and perhaps in two years I might pick it up for a 70% off sale.
Agreed on the holy trinity. But even though you’re devout to the holy trinity, sometimes there are temptations.
Illusion of Gaia is that cool friend you haven’t seen in a long time who shows up, and you bond and reminisce like you haven’t been separated at all. Then you discover Illusion of Gaia has friends you haven’t met, and they roll together in a cool club called The Soul Blazer Trilogy.
Finally! I’ve been waiting for this for so long with no end in sight! I had no hope due to the Epic exclusivity and the fact that they announced that these remakes didn’t do so well on Epic, so future remakes were never green lit.
I don’t expect this to sell massively on Steam, but I’d love if it did just so we can get the next games.
This won’t be a day one buy for me (no preorders!), but I’ll definitely be picking this up for the nostalgia!
Holy crap I had no idea this was announced. What a wonderful game, I can’t wait to play this DLC (no preorders!). Without spoiling anything, I’ve been curious to see what the world is like after the events of the main story. Tales of Arise has a particular ending that raised a few questions and my curiosity. I eagerly await to see what new story Bamco will flesh out.
The man who can’t feel pain, and the woman who inflicts it.
If you haven’t played Tales of Arise (or any “Tales of” game in the series), this one is incredibly emotional and tackles heavy themes centered on liberation. It’s one of my favorite RPGs ever, and not sure if it’s my favorite Tales of, but certainly up there. The second act is a bit long and grindy, but the whole journey, the relationships along the way, and the story beats solidified it. Gameplay differentiation, music, art direction, graphics, etc is also fantastic in my opinion. It’s not a perfect game, but a great game, so I’d consider it a 9/10. Others may disagree because of the lengthy and grindy second act, and that’s okay.
Bro I grew up on RPGs - slow starts are my jam. While I appreciate faster pacing of games today, I won’t have any problems waiting to get hooked by a beloved game. Good to hear this about TTYD.
Oh really? That’s pretty interesting and a welcome surprise! I think I remember there was audience reaction in the game, which I don’t think was present in PM1 (it’s been +10 years since I played these games). I’m wondering if I probably should play them together and see how it compares.
That’s pretty high praise, paper mario 1 had such great moments and I loved the characters. Yep, I’m buying this remaster. I’ll debate if I want to get it day 1, since Nintendo’s taking a lot of money this year with Detective Pikachu and Super Mario RPG.
So, perhaps for nostalgia purposes, I hold Super Mario RPG (SNES) and Paper Mario (N64) close to my heart. Is Paper Mario: TTYD that much better? Everyone seems to always bring up TTYD, but I thought the first Paper Mario was a masterpiece. Trying to determine if I should buy the Switch remake close to day one (no preorders!).
Edit: I played maybe a few hours of it back in the day but never finished it for some reason.
This is a game I’ve had my eye on, since after playing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, and then Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, it was a further slap in the face just how crappy the Pokemon games continue to get with each new release (it’s basically downhill after X and Y). Sure the story was good, but Scarlet/Violet was tough to enjoy with stutter, frame drops, hitching, and making me motion sick (and that’s just visuals, gameplay itself in a boring open world with no incentive to explore is also a factor). I’ve never played a video game that made me motion sick. I needed an alternative and heard about Cassette Beasts being a better game than Pokemon. I played the demo, loved it, and I was waiting for a sale. Now I’m gonna pay full price for this game to support the devs and their work with Godot.