It’s such a shame - and such a bizarre decision - that this is based on the vanilla Persona 3, not the Portable edition with the optional female MC and all the extras.
Should localize them by using the Japanese title translation so it sound equally “foreign awesome” in English? ユニコーンオーバーロード is what Google Translate outputs and hey I will say, it immediately looks less silly to me, despite actually saying the exact same words. 😑 (I hate that this actually works)
I want to play a game of Dungeon Keeper now where the “good” side has gone wicked from repeatedly being beaten and goes wild building up their own horrific “utopia” and attacking everyone else.
Then again, they’d just build Florida I suppose. 🤔 and ban books in schools and shit.
Quite excited. A bit tricky because given how amazing Hades turned out I want to hold back with this and only play it once it’s complete. But that might be a long time. Still, from the little they’ve shown this is looking to shape up really really well.
You’re welcome to take on the rewrite of our auth-service too, since it seems so trivial in your world. Always fun to drag legacy services around for those 12 really loud and angry users.
I wonder, if the rumors about the Switch 2 are actually true - which so far I don’t think they are simply because it’s a Boy Who Cried Wolf thing by now - then at some point they ought to start firing up marketing for it. Remains to be seen whether anything official pops up in this, because by you’d think it would.
Yeah exactly. Because to me it implies that less than 90% is shovelware crap, and I cannot quite believe this. It doesn’t feel that way, even with all the filtering Steam offers nowadays.
Compare the Nintendo eShop, which doesn’t filter and where Nintendo doesn’t care, and the endless pages and pages and pages of shovelware you need to scroll through (and 15 iterations of AAA Clock for 2€, 80% off! 😅) to find each single proper game.
I’ll be honest, I had never even heard the name. Neither of the company, nor of any of their products. Still sucks for the employees of course, the current downturn is huge and as it accelerates and more and more investors pull out, the money the C-suites care about disappears and they panic even more about their bonuses so they fire and shutter even harder.
The made-up money that is the stock market can sadly have very real effects on employees’ livelihoods. :( But of course not on the CEOs who happily cash their 6-/7-digit base salary and then just fuck off to the next company they can drive into the ground.