Hrm, depends. Usually in modern online payment systems it should be impossible for the debitor to have the CVC of the card and hence leaked information could not make actual payments from it, but it could spam the card’s number with bogus payments to continuously keep it being blocked.
In any case if you’re affected I would recommend asking your bank how to proceed, just to be on the safe side.
If so, try Cassette Beasts. Actually blew me away completely unexpectedly, combining smarter combat, really neat pixel graphics, inventive monster names that are of course all terrible puns, and a really really great combat soundtrack that dynamically gets vocals when you fuse.
Only downside is that it makes modern actual Pokemon games look even worse by comparison.
Yeah it’ll now come with oodles extra merchandise you can buy. And the game world looks like it’s N64 now but with the framerate of the original Star Fox.
That’s probably the point here. They’re intentionally not showing anything and not saying too much because this is the launch game for the Switch U or whatever it’ll be called.
Yeah but as the shareholders get used to companies laying off workers to “cut costs”, any company not doing it sees their shares tank. Which is Not Ok™️, so they keep firing people so the execs can pay themselves bigger and bigger bonuses over high stock prices.
That is true. I will say, even with all the features dropped, this is a step in the right direction.
It’s a small one overall, but credit where credit is due, this shows promise. Just wish the underlying architecture were better, it’s still based on the packaged chrome thing.
I mean, cool, they’re finally replacing Geforce Experience, one of the worst pieces of software ever made.
But they’re replacing it with shit that commits all the same crimes. Locally run webserver hosting web interfaces and a website running in a packaged Chrome accesses. Instead of something utterly wild like oh I don’t know, actually building a piece of software not a web page!
Also it still commits the cardinal crime of letting 11y old me do the design and what I thought was “COOOOOL!”, instead of just, you know, looking like an app. In the design language of the OS. Which would be wild, I know.
Fair enough, tbh. A little bit of hype is always nice.
I struggled a fair bit. Performance hit me hard with really bad stutter in particular during some early boss fights, I also had weird CTDs after the first patch, and of course it has the good ol partially-hardcoded key bindings were trying to use alternative input schemes such as cursors, ESDF or truly alternative input devices is a no-go. Though these days I find it difficult to criticize any specific game for that, I hate how ubiquitous this problem has become. Like CP2077 still has it after so many years, Avatar Frontiers of Pandora has it, etc etc.
Oh, and one big one I just recalled: The online would disconnect, but without telling me. This wasn’t always bad, but the game would not realize it’s no longer online, so sometimes it “stalled” trying to check something online. Never found out what caused that, it was gone after some patch. Long story short I waited a fairly long time, then played it after a bunch of patches when it was mostly - sadly not entirely - fine. And loved it. :)
Why would you preorder while you don’t know whether it even runs on day 1? Especially with From, where the main game had serious technical flaws initially, too?
Interesting, but the implementation feels a bit meh. This implies traded items are sub-par, right? Since you get better items if you join the faction that causes them to be non-tradeable.