Yeah same, bunch of my friends had been playing it for a week or two, but between the in game story, the season passes and the utterly intrusive DRM, I figured I’ll wait for a good sale at least. Well, guess I’ll be saving 100% on this, now!
I think the mistake was ever thinking that one company is “good” while the other is “bad”. Companies are just different flavors of bad once they grow above a size of, well, once they are companies.
Yeah it’d be tricky. I would rather see a law that requires companies to keep their games accessible for X years minimum from release, which also affects online services.
Yeah because in some ways it’s unrealistic. But we need a decision on what the “expected lifetime” of a video game is , I suppose. Much like how for rental flats there exists standards how long a kitchen, a bathroom, etc, last on average until they need refurbishment.
So if it comes down to say 10 years, then you cannot shut down your online services before those 10 years are up. As video games can be expected to last that long. Although I wonder whether this means they could shut it down after 5y if they refund everyone 50% of their sales price.
Plus, this is Bethesda, and in particular their open world games. They have always been shit the fans had to fix if they wanted to play it, as the foundation was solid but the company didn’t do any actual development.
It’s pretty late in its life, could be that anyone who would be a potential sale got one at this point? I remember that being, at the time, the reason for the sharp decline in Ocarina of Time sales in Japan, they effectively sold one to everyone who has an N64 so they “maxed out”.
Yeah plus from a consumer perspective it’s nothing special.
It’s just a buggy release, only the bugginess and unfinishedness is known and openly announced. Which makes it more earnest, of course. On the other hand just like with any other release you have 0 guarantee or influence over whether missing features get added in the future and/or bugs get fixed. If the content is worth the money asked it’s a buy, if not it’s a wait.
You’re new to Ubisoft, right? Ubisoft needs online on installation cm because their shit is so buggy that not even the installer could make it all the way without a crash if not for day 1 patches. No need for DRM if the game doesn’t work!
Well yeah it is. It’s also heavy on the mtx, non-pushy as they stay (for now). Compared to something like DRG I really don’t feel the appeal, apart from maybe having overplayed DRG at this point.