What worries me is that one of the leakers who was leaking shit about Redfall prior to release who was 100% correct about everything, also said he saw Starfield and it was in worse shape than Redfall was. It’s obviously coming out later, but not that much later.
The managers who make the decisions don’t. Doesn’t matter if they are a publisher or the development company itself. It’s a bit blurry these days anyway, what with how easy it is to self publish and how many publishers have their own internal development studios.
I’ve barely even talked to the dude who I assume is the wildshape you can romance. Of course I didn’t know. I’ve been rolling with the boss bitches because all the good fighters are the ladies.
Bard is always the first thing I play in D&D crpgs that let me. It’s a great class that lets you do a little bit of everything. Plus it’s great to do a face-melting lute solo as the last thing you do before ending your turn, since Performance is a free action.
No, dude. It is D&D. It’s set in Forgotten Realms, follows the actual lore and uses the actual mechanics of the pen and paper game for all the dice rolling stuff (barring a few things that need tweaking for the medium and eschewing more meta rules that can only work in a PnP setting).
As a fan of both the original Baldur’s Gate games and D&D in general, I have found BG3 to be the absolute pinnacle of the D&D CRPG subgenre. It lets you do so much more stuff than any other D&D game. I love it. It’s been a while… The last D&D game that did as much as BG3 is doing now was Neverwinter Nights.
I think the only game I have tried that with that worked has been Oblivion and Shivering Isles. Some of them are so old, they don’t have any keys. Like Quake and Doom. But those were put in bundles and with updated engine ports and such a couple years ago on Steam and I got those. Like the entire pre-2016 Doom collection, plus some other games on the original engine for $5 total. Not a bad deal. Some of those games I didn’t actually already own, too, like Strife and Hexen 2. Always wanted Strife, but only had the shareware as a kid. Couldn’t beat that as a kid back then anyway; I only ever got through the entire thing pirating it in my 20’s at a time when it wasn’t able to be purchased anywhere.
I got a ton of games on CD from years past; but I got no disc drive on my computer anymore, so I just pirate them instead of buying them again on Steam or GOG unless they have something new to make it worth buying (like an engine port or new features or whatever).
Right… It’s the audience’s fault and not the show runners who outright refused to follow the books and games leading to the star of the show leaving. 🙄