Dude, I put like 60 hours into Skyrim my first time before I thought “hey… where’s my shout powers and all the dragons?” Because as soon as Hadvar said “we should split up to avoid suspicion” I unchecked the active quest, said “adios!” And vanished into the trees. I had to come back at like level 30 or something to do the entire MQ from Riverwood to the end.
That’s just how a lot of people play these. I don’t wanna follow their story; I wanna make my own.
Edit: Oh and this is all besides the fact that not only do mods disable achievements, so now do console commands in Starfield. I’ve had to no clip a few times to get unstuck while jumping around with low gravity and ending up places I shouldn’t be, so there are probably some achievements I didn’t get simply because that command likely disabled them (it just gives a generic warning that some commands will disable them, but not which ones).
I guess I’m gonna have to actually check. I always play entirely in 1st person so I wouldn’t have noticed unless it was always in my windshield or something.
After coming off San Andreas when 4 came out, I figured it was the same as SA with the skill system that made the cars less slidey the better CJ got. But nope. It’s just like that. It gives the vehicles more sense of weight, but it’s too slidey unless the road is meant to be black ice. I feel like 5 has the best arcade like driving. Especially with the addition of being able to control your pitch and roll in a car and not just on a bike. It’s not too real, but it’s not super cartoonish. It’s a perfect middle area.
This seems kinda random for a game that old and nothing changed between its release and now. Is there a sequel in the pipe or something? Why now all of a sudden would they make this press release?
If they’re on Fandom, it’s because Fandom fucking sucks to work with. It sucks to view, and it sucks to edit. So I could understand people not wanting to deal with that shit.
They’re also still new and fairly large games. Unless the dev itself makes the wiki, they don’t usually have much content the first year or so of a game’s life.
They don’t need to make one; they can use one of the many engines that already exist and can do everything their games try to do, but with far less jank. Unless they somehow manage to insert it in regardless, which I would not put past them.
In this case I can understand some frustration if you have a PlayStation and can’t play Starfield but would like to. But not to this degree. Just, like… post your disdain for the exclusivity online.
I have about 120 hours and I also haven’t touched 100 planets. I don’t see the point in it, when they are mostly empty with randomly generated content that by now I’ve seen every possible thing that can exist, I’d just be seeing more of the same; exploring the same handful of possible base configurations across hundreds of planets isn’t really exploring. None of that stuff is interesting, and the stories and dialogue aren’t very interesting either. It’s exactly what I expected, and I guess I just don’t want that anymore. I want them to actually improve the formula and gameplay, and stop making the same exact game with a different coat of paint.
I am just picturing the orc noble who uses words incorrectly/mispronounces shit. Forgot what those are called, but they have similar characters in most of their games. In Starfield, they even called him “Dumbrosky.” Dumb Bro ski.
They definitely use your pronouns a lot. It’s all they refer to you as, aside from cute nicknames like “Dusty,” or “rook” or “renegade.” Probably doesn’t stand out if you chose your normal pronouns, since they’d just be say he/him or she/her or they/them.
Video gaming is basically every other art form combined into a single package, with even more artistic value because of player agency and choice. So yeah… It is the best form of art.
I wouldn’t. I mean, I hate Nazis but I don’t mind a game where I can choose to play as one (so long as the context makes sense like it’s a multiplayer WW2 game or Diso Elysium). It’s a fuckin’ choice. If you don’t like one of the options: Choose a different one.