Scenic train ride from Bergen to Oslo (Norway) ( angielski
Piped / Invidious...
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Piped / Invidious...
Siddy Holloway is doing a special I’d really like to watch, but it’s only on BBC2 from what I see. Will it be on a streaming service or anything?
Piped / Invidious
About halfway between Tokyo and Nagano....
Photoshop filter not included...
From comment on anime series Shuumatsu Train Doko E Iku - Where is the Last Train Going?...
cross-posted from:
Soda locomotives saw very limited use, and though I’ve found some awesome photos and descriptions thanks to the research of enthusiasts online, I haven’t really found anything describing what exactly the process of draining the probably-boiling-hot caustic slop from the locomotive and refilling it with water and fresh...
The EMD F40 series trains were retired from CalTrain’s fleet last week.
Just for fun, a thought experiment, how much theoretically does it cost to build a commuter rail service? I’ve lived in a city that has thousands of cars commute to a close by city every day, about 30 miles away. It kills me that there is not an obvious commuter line between them....
The three entities that received Fiscal Year 2022-2023 IRC Program funding are as follows:...
The three entities that received Fiscal Year 2022-2023 IRC Program funding are as follows:...
Ancora Holdings, an investment group, is looking to instil a new set of directors, citing safety issues and higher operating ratio (railroad investor speak for lower profit profit margin). The labour union AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Dept. president Greg Regan has put out a statement against this takeover attempt, citing these...
From the document: “The bottom line is that it is time to actually move Norfolk Southern forward. Moving ahead starts with identifying the right destination. Our slate and proposed management team believe they have the experience and strategy required to turn Norfolk Southern into a safer, more sustainable railroad that is...
Railroad Workers United (RWU), a caucus of rank-and-file workers spanning all thirteen national rail unions, recently released a video offering one answer to the rotten state of US rail. “Putting America Back on Track: The Case for Public Rail Ownership” opens in East Palestine, with a resident of the area showing the viewer...