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Ni, w What's your Sci-Fi unpopular opinion? avatar

I think this might be a truly unpopular opinion, but I could not get into the expanse at all. Just never got invested in the characters enough to stick with it. I've retried watching it 4 times due to everyone recommending it, kind of given up now!

Also the latest star wars films killed any interest I had in star wars.


That means you've missed out on Andor, which I think is better than any live action Star Wars (including, perhaps controversially, Empire Strikes Back)!

It's mature, deep, detailed, grounded, and very political. The characters and world are built up phenomenally, and it's much more contemplative in its pacing, and it definitely treats its audience as intelligent rather than beating them around the head with obvious exposition. It feels more like an HBO show than your standard Star Wars affair, frankly. And it works as a standalone, too - it's not just yet more Skywalker family drama.

Ni, avatar

You ads selling that to me! I don't have Disney + so that might be an issue. I loved rogue one, but that was the last star wars thing I enjoyed.

DuckCake, avatar

Oh my sibling in Xenu, Andor is mandatory viewing if you have any love for Star Wars at all, but ESPECIALLY if you love Rogue One. It is absolutely incredible.

Ni, avatar

Well this has very much sold it to me!

remus989, w 10 sci-fi concepts that are possible (in theory)
  1. Tractor beams
  2. Wormholes
  3. Warp drive
  4. Time travel
  5. Teleportation
  6. Parallel universes
  7. Habitable Mars
  8. Easy fusion
  9. Rock-throwing warfare
  10. Artificial gravity
  11. Ultra-personalized health care
shutz, w Seth Meyers on ‘Battlestar Galactica’: ‘The Most Incisive Show About Post-9/11 America’

I watched that show during its original run, All the way through. The miniseries was awesome but the series got tiresome over time…

More recently, I binged all of Stargate: SG-1, Atlantis, the TV movies, and I just finished Universe. The latter suffers from the same problems as the rebooted BSG: the constant tension, without release or catharsis (except for very rare moments…) just becomes tiresome. Main characters constantly at each other’s throats, sometimes in obviously contrived ways, plot-wise… I endured it more than I enjoyed it.

Past sci-fi shows (for example, Berman-era Trek) may have been lacking in tension, but nu-BSG and SG:U had too much. There needs to be a cycle of tension and release in a series, so that each new bit of tension can be enjoyed again.

CooperHawkes, w The 50 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time

Number 1 is Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Saved you a click.

HeartyBeast, w Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols Saw A Plausibility Error In JJ Abrams' Franchise - /Film avatar

I wasn’t particularly perplexed. It was a parallel reality. I wasn’t particularly perplexed by an evil spock with a beard.

mozz, w Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols Saw A Plausibility Error In JJ Abrams' Franchise - /Film

Just one?

ChaoticEntropy, w Sci-fi author Andy Weir now has two high-end homes in Winnetka avatar

Getting your novel picked up as the basis of a high profile film release certainly helps, in both direct cash and increase in visibility/sales for that book and its sequels.

Mixel, w Sci-fi author Andy Weir now has two high-end homes in Winnetka
Mixel avatar

Sadly article is blocked because of paywall

snooggums, w Sci-fi author Andy Weir now has two high-end homes in Winnetka avatar

Like all entertainment, being an author is generally not lucrative unless you are established as an author or some other kind of entertainer with name recognition. Once you are and can negotiate things like film rights or future book royalties then the sky is the limit.

Lnrdrople, w Metal Gear Solid Getting High Tech Remake

I feel like it received the attention it deserved when it was originally released. I’m sure a fresh coat of paint and updating some of the more weird control choices would make it easier to get into for new players, but I have zero interest on remake like that.

wolfshadowheart, w Sci-fi author Andy Weir now has two high-end homes in Winnetka avatar

Funny, I just found their reddit account a day or two ago by accident while looking up something tech related. Made me wonder how much of it was due to my search and how much of it due to the importance of his account due to the IAmA.

memfree, w 10 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies of the 1980s

I’ve seen a lot of these, but not lately. The two standouts for me were absolutely HATING “Runaway” and being rather impressed with “The Quiet Earth”. That one has stuck with me for decades and I’ve only seen it twice. I’m not sure how well any of these will work in current times, but if I was going to recommend any, “The Quiet Earth” would be first on my list. I agree with the praise for “Enemy Mine” and “Starman”. I’d also suggest a double feature of ‘Buckaroo Banzai’ with the unlisted “The Brother from Another Planet” – no idea how that one missed the list. Speaking of which, where’s “Liquid Sky” and/or “Le Dernier Combat”? Maybe those last two aren’t listed because they’re too low-budget/art-school.

EmptyRadar, w Metal Gear Solid Getting High Tech Remake

I just played this through again recently. Doesn't need a remake, but I wouldn't mind a nice HD texture redo.

AmidFuror, w Sci-fi author Andy Weir now has two high-end homes in Winnetka

I'll take "Paywalled articles I have no desire to read" for $400, Alex. What a silly topic. It's more of interest to real estate agents than Sci Fi fans.

yildo, w Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols Saw A Plausibility Error In JJ Abrams' Franchise - /Film

I wouldn't read much more into it than JJ Abrams not being a Trek fan in the first place

If you want a conspiracy theory, then giving Spock an on-screen hetero love interest sabotages the long tradition of Kirk/Spock fan slash. However, I don't think JJ Abrams would have thought about that not having been a Trek fan in the first place

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