Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding (www.gamingonlinux.com) angielski
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Visit the 6.5 special site:https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/endwalker/patch_6_5/#ffxiv
Explore the most popular games on Android! Discover the Top 50 Most Downloaded Games on the Google Play Store.
Discover the global release date of Mortal Kombat Onslaught, system requirements, gameplay, and much more.
Elderand, the pixelated RPG, will be available on mobile devices from September 26th. The game will be accessible for Android and iOS devices....
NIS America will release The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam in summer 2024 in the west, the publisher announced. It will featur…
The hit massively multiplayer online game Final Fantasy 14 is to be officially adapted into a tabletop role-playing game....
Unity might be facing the ire that comes with a near-universal condemnation of a new policy change, but at least things are looking up for two open-source game engines....
I did the Payday 3 beta. It threw up a LOT of red flags about the matchmaking system. I made a post reviewing the game where I basically said that if I were smart, I wouldn't be getting the game because based on the beta, matchmaking was going to be busted on release....
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy will launch for for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam and Microsoft Store on January 25, 2024, Capcom announced.
The rise of generative AI, especially for AI in gaming, has only elevated the pedestal video games now enjoy for everyone in the industry.
Ankama announced in a post on the official forum of the game Waven that the mobile version of its tactical and strategic RPG is expected to be released by the end of 2023. The game, which is already available for PC in open beta, is also being tested in some locations on the mobile version.
Confusing, contradictory terms of service clauses leave potential opening for lawsuits.
The leaks revealed plans for a revised Xbox Series X.
But its prime target was Nintendo, according to a 2020 email leaked during the FTC v Microsoft trial.
I have two different versions of original Mass Effect 2 in my Steam library and don't know what the differences are. They have unique ids and even the space for installation differs. Notice: This is not about the Remasters. Have a look at the links please. Can you tell me what's going on?...
Yu-Peng Chen, the composer behind much of Genshin Impact, is leaving the company to pursue new musical ventures.
Mortal Kombat 1's graphics on Nintendo's hybrid console have been widely panned, with many wondering how the developer …
In light of Nexus Mods and Mod DB banning the No Pronouns mod for Starfield, I figured I would look around for alternative sources and collect them in one place for others' convenience. This seems like a good place to put them....
The recently promised "changes" to Unity's controversial new per-install fee plan for developers could include hard limits based on a company's total revenue and developer self-reporting of installation numbers, according to a new report.
Welcome to PlayStation Couch, your ultimate destination for all things video games. Explore the latest trends, advanced techniques, and valuable tips to enhance your gaming skills and maximize your gaming experience.
Welcome to the world of gaming, where innovation meets eccentricity. Gamers, much like any other subculture, have their fair share of trends and products that, while well-intentioned, often land on the cringe-worthy spectrum. In this blog post, we're diving headfirst into the top 5 cringe-worthy items that you might find in a...
Kingdom Eighties is now available for pre-order on the App Store and Google Play, with a scheduled release date of October 16th. There is no pricing information on the Google Play Store, but on the App Store, the game costs $4.
The Square Enix has announced the release of its newest game, titled SaGa Emerald Beyond, which will be available on various platforms, including PC, consoles, and mobile devices
Original Title: UNITY, consent is key and you don't have ours....