With co-financing from the French space agency CNES, The Exploration Company kicked off the development of its Typhoon rocket engine in early 2024. According to its website, the company’s full-flow staged combustion cycle reusable rocket engine is designed to produce 200 tonnes of thrust. However, a recent LinkedIn update...
During a keynote address at the Perspectives Spatiales 2025 event in Paris, European Commissioner for Defence Industry and Space Andrius Kubilius outlined the challenging position the European space sector finds itself in....
Spanish propulsion startup Arkadia Space announced a contract Feb. 11 to supply monopropellant thrusters to MaiaSpace, a French startup backed by ArianeGroup that is developing a reusable small launch vehicle....
It is difficult to see Airbus and some of the other large, institutional space companies in Europe banding together and becoming nimble and more efficient operators in spaceflight. That would require enormous changes in companies that have decades of ossified culture, with layers of management that are difficult to cut through.