Don’t panic, but an asteroid has a 1.9% chance of hitting Earth in 2032 angielski

InFerNo, If we are able to nudge an asteroid, would an asteroid of this size nudge the earth?
threelonmusketeers, angielski Technically the solar system is a multi-body system, and everything nudges everything else, but the mass of the earth is far greater than the mass of the asteroid, to the point that it doesn’t matter.
Yawweee877h444, Sigh. Why can’t it be 109%
This place sucks.
psud, angielski It’s not big enough to fix anything. If it hits, it won’t hit America or Europe
It’s in the big nuke scale of energy, enough to do a lot of damage to a small area. Were it to hit a city, the city would need a lot of rebuilding. Were it to hit, few people would be in danger as we will have years of warning. The only people in the impact area would be “storm chasers” travelling to see the impact
Cform, angielski
Coreidan, angielski I’ll only panic if it misses
JohnDClay, Great video, the probability will keep going up till it goes way down. Unless it doesn’t.
Sterile_Technique, angielski ![]()
Better late than never I guess.
Comment105, I’m not even joking. I want this asteroid to hit our planet and make us all go the way of the dinos.
Captainautism, angielski Yes, please!
casmael, Okay so how big is this meteor then
everett, Exactly one meteor wide. Do you need the height as well?
dellish, Is it meteoric?
everett, The meteorest.
Norgoroth, ![]()
130 - 400 meters
GooberEar, angielski It’s around 1000 millimeteors
threelonmusketeers, angielski Listed in the article:
Scientists estimate that 2024 YR4 is between 130 to 300 feet (40 and 90 meters) wide
spongeborgcubepants, How many giraffes is it tho
threelonmusketeers, angielski
Comment105, Fuck, I was hoping for a 10-15 km wide one.
psud, angielski Were it to hit it would hit like a large nuke
vga, Can we launch a satellite at it, perhaps detonate a huge nuke on it to make that chance higher?
Wait, we could just detonate all those huge nukes here right now. Show that stupid asteroid.
rickyrigatoni, Nuke the far side of the moon and plunge it into earth. Give the asteroid inadequacy issues.
threelonmusketeers, angielski Wouldn’t detonating on the forward side rather than the zenith side be most effective at lowering the perigee of the moon?
rickyrigatoni, all i remember from my ksp days is add more struts
Krik, all i remember from my ksp days is add more struts boosters
Fixed it for you.
rickyrigatoni, Alas, without the struts, the boosters shall return unto The Lord, leaving thine kerbalnauts Kerbinbound.
Comment105, You think humanity would be in this spot if the average person had a fucking clue whatsoever?
Rivalarrival, angielski ![]()
Tell me you’ve never played Kerbal Space Program without telling me you’ve never played Kerbal Space Program.
SARGE, angielski ![]()
Project Sundial can still make a comeback.
HorikBrun, angielski Panic?!
You mean throw a welcome party?
chemical_cutthroat, ![]()
Jesus is coming back and he’s pissed…
solsangraal, angielski i don’t like those odds. anything we can do to bump it up to around 75%-100%?
Chakravanti, angielski Sync Earth’s magnetic union of it’s core a bit finer and it will do exactly that.
burgersc12, angielski ![]()
Floshie, should I mention “don’t look up” ?
TheObviousSolution, angielski ![]()
Those are better odds than the lottery. Has anyone set up a betting pool yet?
expatriado, that was Trump chances in 2016…
parpol, To people having panic attacks, it is not large enough to destroy the earth, and we would have plenty of time to evacuate the impact location. Though let’s hope it isn’t anywhere with permafrost.
Jimmycakes, You mean populate the impact zone because I’m going to watch
hungprocess, ![]()
SARGE, angielski ![]()
Yeah, my dogs will be gone by then so I would absolutely set up a tent close enough to catch it. I’d even bring a baseball glove for shits and giggles.
taiyang, Aw, you think we’ll still have permafrost by then.
photonic_sorcerer, angielski ![]()
It’ll be an equatorial impact.
SuperSaiyanSwag, angielski Well that’s disappointing
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